Chapter 1

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"Faster! Faster! Come late take nothing!" the sound of guard 'feeding' the prisoner rang throughout the tower. A harsh reality of today's England.

*boom* a loud bang erupted against the thick wall of the cell. "Up and at 'em, Boys! Faster! Faster!" in the room filled by three. An old pirate, an old long-bearded man and a man with a face locked in a painful metal mask.

The bearded man who request to be referred to as red by the other just rolled his eyes and continue to sit in silence. The pirate, Percival chase toward the food like a hungry beast while the masked man Peter walks slowly toward the water.

He also reaches for some bread tear into in half and gestured it towards Red. But he just shocked his head.

"How did you survive without eating, mate?" Peter said to Red. Red slowly open his eyes and said "I only need to be on the shone of sun. It grants me the energy to live." Percival scowl while Peter nod understandingly. "Do you... Want water though?" he asks again. "No. Thank you" a flap of birds wing can be heard from outside. A dove landed on a rear window near where Peter was. Peter catch it and examined it. "Please, I beg for a little piece of the bird. Just a little."Percival beg. Peter scowl and sit back down.

"It was not meant to be eaten. It's a mail dove." Red said irritated.

Peter take the little letter and open it. "I know it's writing, but I can't read it.  It was weird?" Red reaches for the letter and said "It was some sort of cod-oh! It was just written backwards."

He handed the letter back to Peter and reach for the water that was in the bowl and dump it onto the ground. "Why do you do tha-" "In order to read it we need a mirror.  We don't have a mirror so we have to use an alternative"

Peter nod and kneel on the floor and start reading it.

Dear Miss Dudley,

It's me, Jonathan. My love, after that day we were caught in your bedroom I have spent all my fortune to an invention of a calculation.

"It seems personal. Do we keep reading or?" "yes! Keep reading!" Peter look at Red and he just nods in approval.

I was able to calculate an accurate diameter to finally complete my piece of art. An accurate map.

After the news was spread, Peter the Great of Russia has invited me to his palace.

"It can't be. I'm here and not there. He must be a fake."

You won't believe what I've discovered along my journey. It was something that couldn't have been explained with science. The creature we heard in Tales were now feasting with me and the monster we were warned were chasing me.

Finally, in Europe I am. But darling Miss Dudley, I've been driven into a trap. They have thrown me into great trouble.

I fear that we won't meet again. But please. Know that I love you. Always.

Your truest love,
Jonathan green.

"He was thrown into the dungeon. Practically, whoever this person is he was a fake." "How do you know?" Peter shows Red the letter and Red nod. "Someone claim that they're Peter the Great."


*Prack* an unconscious man, Jonathan his name land on his face. A boy in black see this and put his scarf to keep Jonathan warm.

"Sleep well" was all he said before he too goes into his deep slumber.

Morning came fast, and so were the guards. Jonathan was just waking up and before he knew it,  he was dragged out of the cell to the tortured ground. He was also accompanied by a boy he remembered seeing in his dream last night. Oh well,  wasn't much of a dream anymore.

They pull the boy shirt up and start to whip the poor boy.

"Ah~ I see you have a nice sleep last night" looking at his mistress and said "in the dungeon" laughing erupted around him.

"What is all of this? I came from England for you to dump me in your dungeon?!" Jonathan scream rang through the wall around him.

"Calm down. You're being obnoxious. I'm trying to let you live here." "What is your deal?" irritated he sound.

"I will have you travel to the East, The land of China and you, my dear friend, have to bring me their fortune of tea." The man said to Jonathan in which he replied with "You threw me in the dungeon... For a stupid tea?!"

"Go and live or..." "Fine. I'll go, but. I stand in one condition" Jonathan said while looking at the poor Chinese boy.

"And pray tell the condition is." "I want to bring the boy." The man nod and gesture toward his men. The boy was let go and beside Jonathan was where he was stood.

"You boy! Obey this man. His name is Jonathan Green and you shall be on his attend. You don't always get this kind off chance so I advise you, be a good boy and listen to him!" in which was only replied with a silence "hn" of understanding.

"Come now. Won't harm you." Jonathan called toward the boy. "I have owed you my life, to travel beside you I felt a deep shame travelling with you in one carriage so allowed me to be on the carriage top."
Jonathan nod and reach for the umbrella he kept in the carriage and gave it to the boy.

"You might need this" the boy nod and make his way to the carriage top. "Wait!" the boy looks back to Jonathan. "Yes?" "you knew of my name but I never get yours." the boy nod and said "Wei Ying you shall call me. But know that my courtesy name is Wei Wuxian ."

And so their journey starts.

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