Chapter 12

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"My Great Czar, What have you needed so for you to aboard our ship?" One of the crew asks him. Peter looks at him brow knitted, "Well, actually... my old friend- um... wait a minute. where is that old hag?" Right after he said that "Old hag you said?" A voice behind him said. "Red?!" "You can call me Hongse." Peter was confused but easily collect himself. "Hongse? Is that your real name?"

'Hongse' nods his head. "We need to get to China fast. The only way to travel there as quick as possible was aboard the ship. If we were too late then the world would be in big trouble."

Peter scoffed and nod his head toward Hongse, "What he said. And we've heard your ship isn't only boarding there..." The crew who was the ship look at him deep in the eye. "It is near too." He said, pointing to an island whose clouded by dark cloud.

The swirling of the cloud and the whip of lightning was enough to terrified any unwanted visitor. The whipping wind rock the boat side to side as though its a pebble in the puddle after rain.

"That's China?" Peter ask in disbelief. The crew nodded as they've been there not once nor twice but collectively amount of their dwarf finger.

"Damn..." Peter doesn't hold back his tongue, but to his satisfaction Miss Dudley drop her over 2 decades of courtesy training and reply with "Damn it is..."

"Ready or not China... Here we come."

The legend of the dragon master [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now