Even if it's still strange ( Just don't care)

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Felix continued to walk towards the university campus, he got weird looks for having a pissy look on his face. Still mumbling curse words as he walked to find his classes.

"Where the Fuck is this class...?" Trying to read his schedule.
" Abnormal Psychology...? Ugh, stupid".
He crumpled up his schedule shoving it into his pocket. After walking through the entrance, he made his way through the hallways. Not caring if he bumped into other students.

" Out the fuckin way fucktards!" He yelled when a taller boy bumped into him. Felix just rolled his eyes and kept walking . Eventually he found the classroom he needed to be in.

" Room 0325? Guess this is it". He mumbled before walking in. He saw a few students in their seats, instantly the mood changed though as soon as they saw Felix walk in. The aura he had was deadly, which no one wanted to mess with.
Felix walked towards the back of the class, sitting in the last seat next to the window. He threw his bag down, slumping into his seat.
"Of fucking course the counselor would say I need this dumbass class". He muttered to himself.
He pulled out his phone checking his twitter feed, he was so enveloped into the app he didn't realize someone sat next to him.


Felix heard a sound but refused to look up.

"I said helllooo. You can't hear me man?"

Felix looked up giving him a death glare.

"The fuck does it look like? The fuck do you want?" He spat out.

The other boy remained unbothered by his attitude, "ok.... WELL I'm Jisung! Nice to meet you, I'm excited for this class! Are you? What's your name?"

Felix went back down to looking at his phone.
" heyyy, I said what's your name??"

Felix groaned in annoyance putting his phone away to give the boy attention.

" Jesus fucking Christ, it's Felix! Now can you leave me the fuck alone?".

"Geezzzz, okayy grumpy pants. Class starts anyways, let's do well this semester! I'm glad to have a psych buddy!" Jisung happily chirped before directing his attention to the front.

Felix just rolled his eyes, God, I'm stuck with this freak all semester? Kill me now. He internally groaned.
Not realizing the other students came in and seated themselves and class was begging, he attempted to see who the professor was going to be this semester.

"Let's see which asshole is gonna teach us how Brains work" he quietly said to himself.

That's when the devil himself walked in.

"Good Morning class, sorry I'm a few minutes late".
He walked over to his desk putting his files down before looking up to his class.
"I'm Professor Bang Chan, you can call me Dr. Bang. I look forward to working with everyone this semester! Ah, yes first I will do first day attendance. When I call your name please say you are present"

Chan had started his roll call.



"Ok then.."



Lee Felix?

"God damn... I'm here!"

Felix's remark made the class all look back at him, earning the direct attention from Chan.
Looking up from his list, he realized who Felix was. The student who was cursing out the entire university earlier.
Chan has a smirk and thought to himself , interesting.
He brought himself out of his thoughts .
He continued his roll call of rest of the class, but before he moved on he made sure to get the boy's attention.
"Thank you class, and Felix, please see me after class. Thank you".
The other students let out a few " ooohhh", thinking the boy is in trouble.
Felix just rolled his eyes, responding with a "whatever".
Chan went to his laptop, pulling up his lecture PowerPoint.
"Alright class, chapter one will be on Behavioral Patterns. " As he saw the students take out their notebooks, he noticed Felix put in his headphones and looked out the window.

Hmmm... I got a rebellious one this year.. Chan thought to himself. Felix huh? We'll see how things go....



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