I finally realized, that I have to let you go

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Felix was feeling confident in what Chan had told him to do, he was finally going to talk to his parents. No more bullshitting he said.

His parents house was only another 20 min walk from the coffee shop, he started to make his way there.

"Mom, Dad.. you guys home..?" Felix yelled as he walked through the door.

"Hello Yongbok, yes we are" his dad said formally as he sat on the couch typing on his laptop. His mother next to him reading a newspaper.

"I told you guys.. I hate that name.." he mumbled and he went to sit across from them.

" I'm sure you didn't come here to talk about your name Yongbok. What did you come here for, you only visit if it's for money" his mother said coldly.

"I came to talk about my future, I'm here to let you know I'm not studying Psychology anymore. You both kept pressing it on me, and I've had enough. I hate it" Felix finally let out.

"Well, it's not about you Yongbok. It's about keeping up our prestigious family name. You will continue your studies." His father stopped typing to speak.

Felix became frustrated as his parents refused to listen to him as usual, " No! I told you I don't want to, and stop calling me that name! It's Felix now! At least get that right in your thick heads!" He yelled.

"You will not speak to us in that manner!" His dad stood up and shouted back.

"Why does it matter?! Neither of you ever listen to me! I've stopped caring , I want to do what makes me happy! " he stood up and yelled. He didn't realize it, but tears were starting to flow down his cheeks.

His mother interjected. " Fine, you want to rot doing some stupid arts thing? Be our guest, just know going forward you will be cut off from us. No more tuition, Including the apartment, you have until end of the week to move out! Since you choose to be a disgrace to us, disappoint yourself with your own money!" She Spat.

"Wha- what..? You're really kicking me out?!" Felix cried. " Because I told you about what I want in life? Fine! Fuck you both!"

Felix left his bag with books and just stormed out his parents house, walking back to his apartment. Of course, it was late but what made it worse was it began to rain. Then pour.

"Of fucking course..." he sniffled still crying as it began to pour.
He just kept walking, crying and muttering to himself after what just happened.

"I'm their son... how could they do this to me.." he continued to cry and walk aimlessly, not realizing he was walking directly into the street...


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