It's all good now

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I'm sorry to those who may cry, I cried myself🗿

Felix felt his heart drop again as he tried not start crying on the spot. Anxiety took over his brain telling him all his thoughts about Chan with someone else was true.

He was snapped out of his thoughts as Chan stepped away from him.

"Now I know you love my comfy clothes, but I need to show you something. So I need you to change for me baby"

"Um... ok?" Felix replied as he went to his room to change into his oversized sweater and jeans.

I guess he wants for me to be dressed nice to tell me the truth? *Sigh* it won't matter... I want it over with...

Felix thought to himself as he was walking back out the door to find Chan.

"Ok, I'm changed. What do you want to show me? "

Chan grabbed his hand, " Come on, we're going for a drive " he said with a smile.

Felix still confused as hell, took his hand and just followed. They got into the car as Chan pulled out driving off.

"Where are we going?" He asked nervously as Chan drove.

"Somewhere " he said nonchalantly.

Felix just shrugged looking out the window. It was a short drive, because before he knew it they had arrived at their destination.

"What are we doing back on campus?" He asked as they got out the car.

"Just follow me" Chan said has he took his hand leading the way.

Chan lead the way to the Arts building, which Felix had never been in before since it wasn't his major yet.

Chan continued to pull Felix into the building before going into the stairway.

"Um, did you forget something in this building?"

"Nope " Chan said as they continued to go up the stairs.

"Then why are we here?" Felix asked again as they reach to the top of the flights of stairs as Chan had his hand on the handle.

"Ya know Lix, you're asking too many questions" he chuckled before opening to door.
After Chan had pulled them through the door, Felix realized the night sky.

"We're on the roof of the building ?"

"Yup" Chan said with a smile.

"Come here" he said has he pulled Felix by his hand over to the corner of the roof to see a telescope set up.

"A telescope?"


"Ya know Chan, your one worded answers aren't giving me much information"  Felix said as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Just come on" the older chuckled.

Chan pulled Felix over to the telescope, putting the younger in Front of him as he stood from behind.

"Look through it"


"Sigh* Lix, just look through the telescope please" Chan let out another chuckle.


Felix did as told to look through, he was amazed to see the millions of stars in the night sky.

"Wow... these are really pretty. I've never actually seen stars through a telescope before" he smiled as he continued to look.

"Keep looking" Chan said as he reached over Felix's shoulders to angle the telescope up a little higher.

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