I wanna be myself, I can see myself

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Chan had put on a mystery movie for the two to watch, about halfway through he realized his shoulder had become heavy. Looking over he saw Felix snoring softly on his shoulder, which he thought was the cutest thing.

Felix.... you are too cute for words....

Chan moved his arm around Felix's shoulder, starting to stroke his hair. As he continued to admire the features on his face, Felix stirred in Chan's hold. He snuggled closer moving further into Chan's chest, as he was now practically on top of him.

Chan's smile only became wider, he shifted to make himself comfortable laying into the couch as Felix was cuddled into his embrace. He pulled the blanket that was on top of the couch onto their bodies, welcoming the warmth as the two were cuddled together.

"I'll always be here for you Felix..." Chan whispered before giving a light kiss on his temple.

He wasn't sure if Felix would be upset waking up in his arms in the morning, but he didn't care.

It was close to 8am when Chan's phone alarm went off in his pocket. He shuffled a bit wondering was was heavy on top of him, but after blinking a few times he remembered it was Felix. He sleepily reached for his phone to turn off the alarm, before slipping it back in his pocket. He didn't want to get up, he would much rather keep Felix in his hold like this forever. But nonetheless, they both had classes.

"Lix..." he softly said trying to wake the younger by rubbing his back.

"Come on... wake up Lix".

"Mmm..." Felix Wiggled a bit, only to snuggle further into Chan's chest.

If only we could stay like this forever....

"Felix...wake up, I have to teach class. And you need to be in it " he softly chuckled while ruffling the boy's hair.

Felix finally tried opening his eyes, lifting his head from Chan's chest as he groggily blinked a few times. After a few seconds he looked directly at Chan.

"Good morning sleepyhead, we need to get ready" Chan laughed as he booped (UWU) Felix's nose.

Felix blinked a few more times before looking down and realizing he was on top of Chan, putting the pieces together that he actually fell asleep on him last night.

"UH-, I-, UH... Sorry.." he began to panic as he tried to get off the older. Chan was quick to grab his hand.

"It's ok Lix, I'll make us breakfast real quick while you go get ready" he said with a laugh before standing up to ruffle his bed head. Felix nodded while scurrying back into his room blushing, quickly closing the door.


Felix was panicking as he paced around the room to get ready. He didn't know what to think anymore, it was getting harder and harder to keep his feelings at bay for Chan, he didn't know how much longer he could last....

As Chan was making a quick breakfast for the two, he was planning on things he would set in plan to "break" Felix. He knew the younger was stubborn, so there was no way he would say how he really felt unless someone forced it out of him.

"Ok, I'm ready" Felix walked into the kitchen before sitting at the counter.

"Right on time, here you go Lix" Chan handed him his plate full of eggs and bacon.


"Felix" Chan leaned closer towards the younger.

"Hmm?" Felix responded with a mouth full of bacon.

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