Oh, I've been deceiving myself

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"Dr. Bang? The fuck you doing here?" Felix question.

Chan too caught up in his own thoughts, forgot to respond to the boy. He was lost in Felix's appearance.

Felix had on only an oversized T shirt and his boxers, that were short enough to make his T-shirt look like a dress. His arms, legs, and collarbones were bare. Showing every inch of his skin. Chan could also see a million freckles.

Freckles....Does that mean he covered them up at school? His skin is perfect like porcelain...

Holy- , I can't have these thoughts. Even though we are only a few years apart... No! Stop it Chan!
He's beautiful....

He internally scolded himself until Felix snapped him back to reality.

" Hey?" He waved his hand over his face. " I said, the fuck you doing here? How'd you get my address?"

Chan finally pulled himself together.

"What have I told you about cursing in front of me Felix? And I asked your classmates and friends about your frequent absences in which they provided me with your address. Do you mind telling me why you've been skipping your classes? I told you attendance is vital in my class".

Felix did his signature eye roll.

" Why do you want to know? And secondly I'm gonna beat Changbin's ass for giving you my info. He's the only one who knows where I live , so I know it was him who gave it to you".

"Don't blame him, blame me. I was prodding him for information because I was worried about you".

Felix's chest felt a little funny.
" Worried..? Why...?"  He asked softly.

" Well, I'd like to explain a little further. May I come in?"

Felix shyly nodded, moving aside to let Chan in.

After closing the door, he walked them over to his living room and couch.

Chan was in awe from the interior of Felix's luxury apartment.
" This is quite the living room you have here" he said while looking up at the architecture.

"Ya, it's fancy and shit. I know. You want some water or tea? I don't have coffee, that shit gives me a headache so I don't drink it".

"No no, water is fine thank you".

Chan sat down on the couch, waiting for Felix to come back.

He came back with 2 glasses of water and sat down on the couch across from Chan.

"Uh, you don't want to change or anything....?" Chan subtly asked.

"Nah, I'm good".

Great.. this is going to be very distracting Chan thought.

"So why do you keep obsessing over my attendance? None of the other other professors care, my teachers never have actually" Felix grabbed a pillow snuggling it on the couch while asking.

Wow, never thought he had a cute side to him too...

Chan cleared his throat, " I'm not like other professors Felix, I actually care about the wellbeing of my students. Especially ones who have been missing class. So, you mind telling me why you have been? Are you sick?"

"No, just don't wanna" Felix shrugged.

"Just don't want to be in class?" Chan questioned again.

"Nope" Felix said nonchalantly.

"Felix, I know you hate your major because of your parents. But I think if you just try a little, even this semester, it will give you a better outlook on life" Chan softly said.

Felix just kept his head down, holding onto his pillow.

Chan noticed this, leaned forward and grabbed both the younger's hands without realizing.

Felix was taken by surprise, not knowing how to act he just sat there. No one has ever taken the time to talk to him like this before other than Changbin.

"Look Felix, I know you may not like me, but I want to help you. But only if you let me", Chan pleaded.

Felix for once let his hard shell become soft, he saw sincerity in his eyes. The only time he ever saw that was in his friend Changbin, he was always honest.

"I- I um... ok" he mumbled out.
"Ok?" A small smile crept on Chan's face.
" Ok.." Felix gave him the first genuine smile he's ever seen.
"Good, I want to help you as much as I can" Chan stood up to ruffle the boys hair. Felix let out a laugh, much to the older's surprise.

"I'm going to head out now to finish tomorrow's lecture, if you need my help catching up I don't mind helping you in between classes". Chan smiled happily as Felix walked him to the door.

"Ok, thanks. I'll let you know... " Felix shyly smiled.

Chan cooed at how shy and cute the younger was acting.

"Great, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Good night Felix". Chan said before leaving. Felix waved a goodbye before closing the door. He leaned his back against it.

"Wow.. he actually cares about me... maybe you're right Changbin.. maybe he's not so bad" he smiled to himself.

Y'all still reading this? Lol
I promise, it'll get interesting soon👀🌚

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