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                   My name is Barry Allen and I'm the fastest man alive. When I was 11 my mom was murdered by something impossible but no one believed me when I told them. They all thought my father killed my mother. Which by the way makes no sense because no one would purposely ruin their child's life and call the cops on themselves. Who would even kill someone they love? Someone they married! Sorry I'm rambling again. That happens a lot. Anyway, because of this I was bullied. I was bullied so badly to the point where I once came back home with a broken arm. Because of that, my foster dad, Joe West,  sent me to live with my uncle Richard Smythe. My initial thought was 'Hey! Maybe if I'm just myself people might like me here. I mean no one can know about what happened to my mother, right?' Well boy was I wrong. 

                     I left Central the summer before freshman year I went to a public school thinking that I would get a fresh start. But when I walked into the building, I felt eyes staring at me. As if their glares would somehow make me disappear. I tried to push the thought that they knew about my past away but when it came to trying to make friends.... well that is a different story. I ended up getting bullied again. So, we moved to Paris. I made myself a new persona, the one and only Sebastian Smythe. The ultimate playboy, rich kid. During my time in France I found out something huge about myself. I'm gay. Like really gay. Well technically bisexual but I prefer men. I've only ever like one girl, Iris, but my crush on her is long gone. Anyway not very many people from, Central know that I'm gay. It's not like I try to hide it, but I don't go announcing it. I've only come out to Iris and Joe. Well to be fair they're the only people that will willingly talk to me.

                    But, because of my new persona I made some horrible decisions. I turned two groups who used to be friends against each other. I almost blinded some! Can you believe it! The only good thing that came out of that experience was that I came out of it with brothers. The warblers. They really did care for me. Especially during my breakup with Hunter. They stayed with me while I cried in my dorm and ate buckets on buckets of ice cream. Ahhhh Hunter, Mr. 'I'm not even remotely bi-curious'. He was my first true love. And he will always will be. And I know what you're thinking. No, he didn't cheat on me. And no I didn't cheat on him. He broke up with me because he decided we weren't working out. I mean can you believe it! That's BS! I didn't get over him for a while and even while I went back to Central I still wasn't over him. My crush on Iris was just a cover up. Well when I was younger I did have a crush on her. But that's just me, bisexual Barry. See what I did there? Okay I'll stop now. 

                     Anyway, lets stop talking about me and lets talk about something more important. Oliver Queen. I mean talk about beauty at its finest. He has blonde hair that ugh I just want to run my fingers through. And his eyes, god, I could stare at them all day. Don't tell anyone but sometimes I just start daydreaming  about him wrapping his arms around my waist and planting a kiss on my lips. I imagine to feel fireworks explode in my stomach. All I want is for him to wrap his arms around me, as his heartbeat lulls me to sleep. I dream for him to like me back the way I love him. But, it's a known fact, Oliver Queen is straight. He could never like me back. I wish he would but the irony of the situation is that he doesn't. He would never like me. I'm just average Barry Allen. Nothing special about me, unless you count the fact that my mother was killed when I was 11. Note the sarcasm.

                     Gosh I'm trailing off again. But can you really blame me? Oliver Queen is one piece of eye candy. Sorry I'll stop now. I'm a forensic scientist at the CCPD. It's also probably important to mention the fact that I'm the flash, but that's not very important. But to cancel out the super speed I have super tardiness. And as a result of that I'm late to work right now. I may or may not be 30 minutes late but nobody noticed right? Well I guess we'll just have to see. I just made it to work and I wish I was just a bit later. Because as soon as I walked into the CCPD I heard a voice that I wished I would never hear again. 

The one that belongs to none other than Santana Lopez.

Barry Allen? Or should I say Sebastian Smythe//Glee and Flash crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now