Chapter 3

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           "Where do I begin," I sigh as I sit on the bed. "Barr, if it's to hard to tell me you don't have to," Oliver said as he took my hand. Why does he have to be so caring? "No, no, it's fine. You would've found out soon," I said as I faced him more. "You know about my parents, right?" I ask. Ollie nodded his head in response. "Well after kids found out what happened to my parents, I was even more bullied than I was before because I was 'the son of a murderer'," I say using hand quotations. I look over at Oliver to see him staring at me intently, urging me to  continue with my story.  "One day in eighth grade after being beat up, my injuries were so bad I ended up with a broken arm. Joe was so worried for me that he sent me to live with my uncle, Richard Smythe," I say as I look down. Oliver looks like he's about to say something, but decides against it. " I thought because I was in Ohio nobody would know me and the bullying would stop, but boy was I wrong," I chuckle darkly. "I was still bullied. It go so bad that we ended up moving to Paris. When we came back, we decided to change my name. For safety reasons of course," I add "Anyway, I made myself a new persona. I was the playboy, rich kid. And i definitely didn't hide being gay. I was a bully and made two groups that were once friends turn against each other. I even tried to break up a couple! A couple that loved each other and everyone knew it too! And do you want to know the worst part? I made someone try to commit suicide! I'm a complete monster!" I started sobbing uncontrollably as Oliver wrapped his arms around me. "Shhhhh, it's okay, none of it's your fault Barry," Oliver says trying to comfort me "But can't you see it is my fault! These are all my actions! I'm a horrible person who can't be loved!" I yell frustrated. "Barry, look at me. Your not a horrible person. Your far from one. You save the city every day. You work underpays you for all that you do and the hours that you work. And sure you made mistakes in the past, but I know you and I know that you tried your best to make up for them," Ollie said staring into my eyes the whole time. "Well, I explained to Karofsky my lilfe story and why I did what I did. And I helped Blaine propose to Kurt," I explained "See Barr, I knew you'd do the right thing in the end," Ollie said as I cuddled closer to him. "We can finish the story tomorrow Barr. You need some rest right now," Ollie said taking off his shirt and pants. 

           He under the covers and motioned for me to get under. "Let me change first," I said and walked into the bathroom with my clothes. I can't believe I just told someone my story. My whole story. And to Oliver too. Oh god I'm freaking out. I change and throw my clothes to the laundry basket and walk out. I suddenly start to feel insecure because I'm shirtless. Lets hope he doesn't notice how small my arms are. I walk out covering my torso and slip under the sheets. Ollie shifts and wraps his arm around my torso. "Good night Barr," Ollie mumbled "Night Ollie," I said as I put my head in the crook of his neck. A few minutes later I felt my self drifting off to the steady sound of his heartbeat.


           I woke up to feeling like a pair of  eyes were watching me. I open my eyes and see a pair of blue eyes staring right back at me. "It's not very polite to stare," I whisper jokingly "Well I can't help it, your pretty damn hot," Ollie whispers back. "Have I ever told you that your cute when you blush?" Ollie continued. Wait, was I blushing. Dammit.  How did I not know was blushing. Stupid, stupid, stupid. "Uh, uh I-i I'm not blushing," I stutter out. "You amuse me," Ollie says as he stands up. "Want breakfast?" he says as he gets out of the sheets "Waffles with strawberries and whipped cream?" I say as I bat my eyelashes "Anything for you babe," Ollie said as he kissed my forehead and walked out my room. Hold up. Did Oliver just call me babe. Oh my dreams have just come true! Time for breakfast.

I'm sorry yall, this one is only 780 words. I'll make up for it by making the next chapter 1500 words! I'm very sorry but I wasn't able to update yesterday and I'm trying to get this one out ASAP and I've already been working on it all day. I would've worked on it longer, but I have to leave to go to my school dance. 

Lots of love


Barry Allen? Or should I say Sebastian Smythe//Glee and Flash crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now