Chapter 2

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           Oh crap what should I do? I if I answer he could recognize my voice and Santana might be with him and then she will 100% know that I was lying. Ok Barry, improvise. Who could be calling me and I wouldn't have to answer. Oh my god I am a genius! "Nah, it's just a spam call," I say and hang up.


           It's been a few hours and we had been monitoring the town, but there is no crime. I guess the criminals decided to give us a break. Ah, us, wouldn't it be nice for Ollie and I to be an us. Ugh, that doesn't matter right now.  I continue on with my conversation with Felicity about Star City until Ollie drew everyone's attention. "Do you guys want to go to the bar?" Ollie asked. Now how can I pass up that offer? "Sorry Oliver, but Dig, Joe and I can't. We have to stay back to monitor the city," Felicity said while she continued clicking on her computer. "Well I for one need a break so I'm in," Iris said as she brushed of her skirt. "Us too," Cisco said for him and Caitlin. "What about you Barr?" Ollie asked. "Uh yah sure, I'll go," I stammered. "Great, let's head out," Ollie said. 


           We arrive at the bar and just my luck, it's a karaoke bar. Hopefully, Satan and none of the Nude Erections would decide to come here because GOD KNOWS they can't go ONE SINGLE DAY WITHOUT BURSTING INTO SONG. Sorry it just really pisses me off when people randomly burst in song. Like don't get me wrong, I love musicals, but that's just not the real world. "Come on guys, lets get some drinks!" Cisco yelled while cupping his hands over his mouth and walking towards the bar. Even though I can't get drunk it doesn't hurt to have a couple of drinks. Ollie ordered some shots for everyone while I just got a martini. I slowly sipped my drink while everyone (but Iris since she was the other designated driver) was downing shot after shot. After the fifth shot Caitlin and Cisco were extremely drunk. Because of their drunken state, they decided to perform a couple of songs. Now I love them, but my Sebastian side really wants to give them a couple of pointers. Well, maybe more than a couple, but we don't talk about that. "I think I'm gonna head home now," Iris said while putting on her coat "I have an article due tomorrow and I haven't finished yet. And I think I should take Cisco and Cait home while I'm at it," she said while nodding her head at them singing ANOTHER song. "Bye Iris! Love you," I said as I gave her a hug and kissed her cheek. "Bye Barr! See you tomorrow!" Iris said and walked over to Cisco and Caitlin. I turn over to Ollie and we went back to conversing.


           "Want to get another drink?" Ollie asked "Sure!" I said a little to excited "I-I mean yah, yah sure" I say as I try to cover up my excitement, but end up just being awkward. "Come on Barr," Ollie chuckled as he started walking towards the bar.


           "I'll have a glass of scotch and he'll have a martini," Ollie ordered. "So Ollie, how's you know?" I asked while taking a sip of my drink. "Not as many injuries as usual, though I'm not sure why. Guess criminals have decided to give me a break," Ollie said. I was listening to Ollie when I noticed something that made me want to die. I know that gelled hair anywhere. At least with the amount of gel in it. But, that it is not the important part. Blaine is here. He is right there and if he turns around he will 100% know who I am. Crap, what should I do. I need to think of something and fast. Oh god, what I'm about to do is crazy. This could either go really wrong or really right. Probably the first possible outcome, but we can only hope for the latter. "I'm sorry," I say to Ollie "Barry wha-" I interrupt him by pulling his face and placing my lips on his. I quickly turn us around, so instead of me, he would see Oliver. He'd probably still freak out, but let's be real here, he would probably freak out less if he saw Oliver Queen then Sebastian Smythe who disappeared and no one knows what happened to him. Oh my god. I just did that. I just kissed Oliver Queen. The guy who I've been crushing on since forever. "I'm sorry" I cry out "I'm so so sorry," I say as I turn to run out. I start walking back to the table to grab my coat when someone grabs my wrist. "Ollie not now-" I start but am interrupted by a voice that definitely doesn't belong to Ollie "I told you I'd confront you," Satan said. "Please let me go," I say as I feel tears well up in my eyes. "Oh you wanna cry, huh? Well you deserve it for everything you've done to me and my friends!" Santana yells. "Hey! Let him go!" I hear Ollie yell distantly, but I start to feel like I can't breathe. "Hey, hey, it's okay. Come on, I got you," Ollie said as he picked me up bridal style and started leaving. "Hey! Get back here twink!" Santana yelled "Seb! Seb! Oh my god it's you!" Blaine yelled and started walking towards the bench where Ollie set me down. "Oh my god I thought I'd never see you again!" Blaine yelled coming up to hug me. "Stay back," I heard Ollie say to Blaine and the Nude Erections "No, no it's okay Ollie, hi guys," I said. All of a sudden I was enveloped in a hug by Blaine "Oh my god Bas! Is it really you? I can't believe it! It's been years since I've last seen you! How are you?" Blaine said all at once. "Please let go of me," I said quietly "I'm sorry. I'm just really excited," he said "No your not! I know your not! You hate me! You hate me and so do all of the other Nude Erections! Now leave me alone!" I yell and run off. "Barr! Barry! Wait!" Ollie yells running after me "What? What do you want? To tell me you hate me? For being gay? Well I'm sorry I've had the biggest crush on you since I've met you! I mean sue me, have you seen yourself? Your the hottest and the best person I've ever met! I can't help that I just want to grab your face and smash my- umphh" I stop as Ollie kisses me "You need to stop talking so much. Wait I take that back, your rambling is pretty cute," Ollie says "W-w-what?" I ask confusion evident on my face "If you couldn't tell already I like you Barry," Ollie says "You do?" I ask "Your so oblivious sometimes. But I do have a question, why did they call you 'Seb and 'Bas'? Ollie pondered "Well, maybe I should answer that question somewhere more private. Like maybe my apartment? Maybe we should go over there," I say "Sure Barr" Ollie says as he stood up and took my hand. We got onto the bike and we took off to my apartment.

1250 words!! I don't have school tomorrow so I'll probably write the next chapter for this book and update my other book. I'm so sorry for my late update but it was my birthday on Thursday, had a party on Friday and my best friend surprised me (we're long distance best friends), then Saturday most of my day was occupied by the sleepover then I wrote some, and then on Sunday I went dress shopping finished most of chapter and then Wattpad DELETED MY CHAPTER!!UGHHH. Next update this Thursday! Also do y'all want to read the conversation that Barry and Ollie or when Barry explains it to everyone else? 

Anyway lots of love


Barry Allen? Or should I say Sebastian Smythe//Glee and Flash crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now