Chapter 1

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"No me gusta!" Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. This cannot be happening. That part of me is supposed to be in the past. "This is a police department and you can't tell me where my missing suitcase is! Do you even know who I am?" Oh god, I need to get out of here. When I was about to turn around I heard the most terrifying thing "Hey twink! Did you finally get arrested?" Crap. I'm dreaming right? Yah this totally isn't happening. Just pretend you don't know her. "I'm sorry I've never met you before. But your the famous model Santana Lopez, correct?" oh god she looked pissed at me "Cut the crap meerkat you know exactly who I am. Don't you remember the time you almost blinded Blaine? Or when you made Karofsky attempt to commit suicide!"

Well this has certainly caused a scene. "Ma'am you need to calm down" Eddie said as he tried to calm Satan. "No way in hell! This criminal chipmunk right here has put me through HELL in high school. Then all of a sudden disappears, and now chooses to show up out of no where!" she yelled. Oh god please help me "I'm sorry but I really have never met you before" I try to say as calmly as possible but my hand is visibly shaking. God dang it. I need to get out of here. Like right now. "Ummm I need to go finish my lab reports or else Singh will be really mad at me. I hope you find your luggage Miss Lopez." I said as I rushed toward the staircase. "I will expose your secret Meerkat! Watch me!"

Well things just got more interesting.


I was working on a case when all of a sudden I heard a knock at my door. "Come in!" I yelled focusing on my case not paying attention to who knocked. "Hey Barr, you look cute today" My heart stopped. I can recognize that voice anywhere. "H-hey Ollie" god why am I so awkward "whatcha doing here?" I really need to learn to shut up. I leaned closer to the file hoping Ollie didn't see my red face. " Well I'm about to go to star labs, want to come with me?" he asked. I mean how can I turn down that offer. I mean I get to wrap my arms around his waist and sit so extremely close, and god that seems so great. "Barr! Barr! Barry!" I hear as I snap out of my thoughts. "Huh, sorry, what did you say?" I said " I asked if you wanted to ride my bike with me" oh my god. He DID NOT just ask me that. "YES! I, I m-mean yah sure" wow I'm such an idiot. "So you coming?" Ollie chuckled "Yup! Coming, coming, I just need to get all my stuff together" I say rushing around getting my coat and packing up my stuff. "Ready!" I yell and start walking towards Ollie. As we go down the stairs I can't help but stare at him. His blazer hugs his biceps to the point where I can see his muscles so well. What I would give to have those arms wrapped around my waist while I'm falling asleep. I really need to learn to stop day dreaming. I also may or may not have just realized something. I'm kind of terrified to get on this motorcycle. But no one needs to know that. Right?


"Barr, what the hell is taking you so long? If you didn't want to ride with me, you could've just told me. I would've let you run," Ollie said. "Nonononono, you got it all wrong Ollie!" I said frantically "The why won't you get on the damn the bike?" he asked "Well, you know, I've kinda never ridden a motorcycle before" I mumbled trailing off so he couldn't hear me. Then, he started laughing. Oh god what have I done this time? "Why didn't you just tell me? Here, I'll help you," he said taking my hand leading me to the bike. He got on the bike and held out a helmet. "Just swing your leg over the bike and hold on tight," he winked as he put on his helmet. Oh my god did he just wink at me? No, he couldn't have, right? I got on the bike and wrapped my arms around his waist. My dreams have just come true. "Ready?" he asked "Ready as I'll ever be," I said shakily and gripped tighter. Then the engine roared. Well it's official. I'm gonna die today. At least I won't have to see Satan or Lady Hummel ever again. I shut my eyes really tight and held onto Ollie as tight as I could. Here we go.


I could feel the wind hitting against my face and honestly this is the best feeling ever. My heart is racing ,but if I'm being honest with myself that's only because I'm so close to Ollie. The only thing that could make this situation better was if we were actually together. But we all know that's not going to happen. Why can't life just go my way for once?


We arrived at STAR Labs and honestly I wish it took longer than it actually did. We walked in and we were greeted by Team Flash and Team Arrow. "Hey guys" Iris said giving me 'the look'. If you don't know what 'the look' is, it's basically when one of your close friends is saying with their faces 'oOoOoOo' because they know you have a crush on someone. And if you couldn't tell, Iris knows I'm gay. Like hella gay. But anyways, we greeted everyone and went our separate ways. "Hey Felicity! How's Star treating you?" I asked taking a seat next tp o her. "You know, just the usual. Some criminals here some criminals there," she said still looking intently at the computer screen. It's been a couple months since her and Oliver call a quits and I love Felicity to death, but I'm so happy that it happened. I mean I know I don't have a chance now but still it still makes me a bit happier. I then start to here my phone buzz which is odd. Everyone that would really need to call me is in the room. I pull out my phone and freak out. This isn't my phone. Well, technically it is but it technically isn't. This phone belongs to the one and only Sebastian Smythe. If you're confused let me explain. I have to phones because I couldn't make myself get rid of my phone when I was Sebastian. You know, just incase. But, so nobody would realize I have to phones, they have the exact same case. And the best part? It's the same model! When I was younger my phone was the newest model, but since it's been awhile since my high school days, this phone is really cheap now, so it fits exactly with the fact that my paygrade is so low. Like no tea shade but for all I do for the CCPD, a raise would be nice. Sometimes it really helps to be a multimillionaire. "Aren't you gonna get that?" Felicity asks. I check the caller id and start to freak out.


1234 words! I'm sorry it's been a bit but I'll try to update every Monday or Thursday. Also, do yall like the way I write? Like knowing their thoughts and stuff? I LOVE constructive criticism so if you have any please tell me! Or if you have any idea please tell me as well!

Lots of love


Barry Allen? Or should I say Sebastian Smythe//Glee and Flash crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now