Chapter 5

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3rd POV (Bet ya didn't see that coming did ya?)

'What the hell!" Oliver yelled as Barry held his cheek. "That's for the Finn pictures!" Rachel yelled. "And for Blaine's eye!" Kurt yelled after Rachel. "Ok that's enough! Don't you think there's a reason that I left after graduation and never spoke to you guys again! Don't you think that I regret what I did in high school! Of course I do! But guess what? I've grown and I've tried to forget that part of me. I don't need you to coming into my city and reminding me of everything I've done wrong with my life. Because guess what Rachel; people change. And I sure as hell have. You know I was actually having a pretty good day for once. Thanks so much for ruining it. Now I'll be on my way because I have work. Now I say this in the nicest way possible, get out of my face and leave me alone," Barry said as he grabbed Oliver's hand and stormed off.


"That was hot," "Are you kidding me Ollie? The first thing you say to me after my breakdown, if you could even call it that, is that it was hot? You really are something else," Barry says as he continues looking at his current case. There had been a couple of robberies, but nothing to big. "At least they don't know where you work," "Well that my friend is where you are wrong. Santana saw me here a couple of days back," I said putting my hands in my hair. "Ugh all this work is giving me a head ache," I complain.

"We should go on a date!"
"Come again?"
"Well you said you have a headache so lets go on a date!"
"Your an idiot"

"But I'm your idiot" Oliver replies cheekily. "Oh hush. Where are we going,"
I ask taking a second to look at Oliver. "It's a surprise. Dress casual," and with that he left grabbing his coat.
Right after I finished my work for today I went down to Singh's office. "Hey captain here are the files you need. I'm about to clock out," I say handing him my work. "Thanks Allen. Oh and we have a couple of soldiers from the military coming tomorrow with evidence for a new case. One of them is a general. I expect you to be on time," Singh replied looking over the papers. "Got it Captain. I'll see ya tomorrow," and with that I left the precinct.
Around 7 I heard a knock on the door. I put on my shoes and grab my wallet before unlocking the door. No surprise, it was Oliver at the door.
"Hey Ollie"
"Hey babe" I still get the giddy feeling when he calls me that. I grab his hand and we start walking down to surprisingly a car. "No bike today?" I ask "nope" he says before opening the door for me. I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks but try to pretend it isn't there.
After a 30 minute drive filled with a comfortable silence we finally arrive to a small park.
"Uhm Ollie why are we at a park at 7:30 in the night" I ask confused.
"You'll see" he says pulling me along with him. After a five minute walk we finally reach the surprise destination.
"I feel like this is our first real date so I didn't want it to be interrupted or anything," he says trailing off.
In front of me is a beautiful picnic set up along with a blanket. I feel my jaw drop. No one has ever treated me this well.
"Do you not like it? Because I can take you somewhere else. A restaurant, maybe the movies, maybe even a-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his.
"Oliver it's gorgeous. Thank you so much," I smile. I grab his hand and sit down as we talk the night away.

So um... hi. It's been a hot minute. I'm sorry for the short chapter. I'm going to try and complète this book but no promises. I don't want to make a promise I can't keep like I have in the past. I'm probably going to rewrite my other crossover. Ugh God that book embarrasses me. Anyway if you stuck around thank you so much!!! So I also forgot I was supposed to be writing in 3rd POV... so let's just ignore that mess up.

Lots of love,

Barry Allen? Or should I say Sebastian Smythe//Glee and Flash crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now