Chapter 4

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           I walk downstairs to see Ollie cutting up some fruit. He does look pretty hot cooking or me not gonna lie. I walk behind him and wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his back. "Whatcha doing Barr?" Ollie chuckles. "I'm cold so I'm warming myself up," I respond holding onto him tighter "Well I suggest if your hungry to let me go so we can eat," Ollie said turning around while holding two plates. We sit down at the table and as soon as I put the food into my mouth I let out an involuntary moan. "Oh my god this is the best food I have ever had," I say as I shove more food in my mouth. "Glad you enjoy it Barr," Ollie laughs.. "Hey! Don't make fun of me!" I pout. "Whatever you say Barr, whatever you say" We continue to make small talk as we finish our food. I somehow managed to finish my food before Ollie even though I had double maybe even triple the amount of food he had. Well that certainly says something  about my metabolism. "What do you want to do today?" Ollie asks as he takes a bite of his breakfast. "Coffee?" I ask " We just ate" Oliver stated as he put away his dish. I walk up to the sink and put away my plate "But it's Jitters. They have the best coffee in the world!" I say over excessively "Whatever you say Barr," Oliver chuckled. "Lets get ready and we can go," I flashed upstairs and got ready as fast as possible. I walk downstairs and tell Ollie that I was ready to go. We put on our coats and walk out the door.


           We walked up to the counter and saw Iris. "Hey Barry, hey Oliver. What can I get you?" Iris greeted us. "I'll have a black coffee" "And I'll have a mocha with a shot of Courvoisier" I finished. "Alright that will be $7.83" Iris said as she typed on the register I took out my wallet and was about to pull out my card when a hand stopped me. "Don't worry Barr I got it," he said handing Iris his card. Oliver walked away to get the drinks and Iris started freaking out. "Oh my god Barr he just payed for your drink!" "Calm down Iris friends do that for each other all the time" "Sure Barry"


             "Courvoisier?" Oliver questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Old habit" I shrug as I sip my coffee. We continue making small talk while drinking our coffee "How do you drink that? It's so bitter and blegh" I say as I fake gag "Says the person who drinks coffee with alcohol" he says laughing. We continue making small talk until I feel a sting on my cheek.

Sooooooo this chapter was short. Don't @ me please. And don't worry the next update will be today or tomorrow.

lots of love,


Barry Allen? Or should I say Sebastian Smythe//Glee and Flash crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now