Chapter 5: Runaway Mate

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Adriel's POV

My head was spinning. Male. I had male mate. I mean, I knew this was possible, but I guess I just never thought of it happening to me. Sure, I wasn't really interested in most girls in our pack, but that's just because I knew none of them were my mate!

I guess it was like this ever since Mom and dad died. I got so wrapped up in Pack business, I never even considered dating. I mean, I was only 17 when they died! And there I was with an entire pact looking at me as the new leader. I was so wrapped up with it all, whether I liked boys or girls just seemed to escape my mind completely.

And now I just went ahead and rejected him! Sure, it wasn't official yet and there is a proper ceremony and what not for that, but still, I know he was in pain when I said that. Hell, I was in pain. Now I may never have a chance with my mate. I messed the entire thing up and I never even knew his name!

I was lost in the bombardment of thoughts assaulting my brain, I didn't even notice someone knocking on my door till it was kicked down with impatience.

"What up loser," I heard a snarky voice say.

My panic-stricken eyes looked up to see a full head of wild brown hair braided tight down the girl's back. He blue eyes matched mine to a tee, though hers were usually held with sassy remarks or violent urges. She was tall for a girl, taller even than our older sister Ayana. Though she was as beautiful as a girl could be, many men had fallen victim to her violent ways. After all, no one messed with a Beta so easily and gets away clean.

My younger sister walked into my room and sat down beside me, laying her head against my shoulder.

"So," she began. "You're ready for the talk."

"The talk?" I ask.

"Yea, you know, the talk. The birds and the bees, what happens when mommy really loves daddy..."

I shove her off me as a small laugh escapes her throat.

"This isn't funny Bly. My mates a guy!"

"So?" She responded with a bit of disappointment to my words to her voice.

"So? What do you mean so? What am I... w-what do I..." I couldn't find the words to a sentence I wasn't sure I wanted to say.

Bly took a deep sigh and stood up. "Look, Adriel. I know things have been hard for you since mom and dad died. A lot fell on your shoulder three years ago and we can all tell it's taken a toll on you."

I was silent at her words.

"Addy, this is where you need him the most." Her voice was pained and I looked at her shining eyes as they give me a rare moment of warmth and comfort. "A mate is someone chosen by the moon goddess herself. Its meant to be. You can't just deny something like fate."

"I-I just... wasn't expecting this."

"No one ever knows what to expect with their mate. You think I understood when someone like Charlie ended up as my mate?"

I laughed at the memory of Bly finding her mate. He had been close to our family for years, Ayana's best friend. He was introverted and quiet compared to her boisterous attitude, everyone though it was a joke they were mated. It was like the meanest, roughest person you could think of got paired with the softest, most gentle person ever. And yet, I've never seen Bly happier than when she was with Charlie by her side. It was like he was the calm to her storm.

I was thinking of Bly and Charlie when all of a sudden, my mind switched to the image of the boy on the bed. He was so thin, so frail. He looked like he had been roughing it for some time now, I can't even imagine what he had been through. All the scratches and scars on his body, I felt myself stiffen at the thought of whoever hurt my mate.

I remembered his eyes, they were like green gems that shined brightly on his face, the black hair wild with dirt littered through. The though of him sitting there in the bed, staring at me with those eyes, something warm exploded in my chest. I gave a deep smile to myself before I froze at the thought of those heart-broken emeralds.

I reject you. I had said those words out of panic, I didn't mean it. But the look in his eyes, its as though I took away his world. The sudden warmth in my chest exploded into pain as I started to feel my breath rise up panicked bursts.

"Adriel? What's wrong?" Bly. I forgot she was here.

"I rejected him."


"I-I rejected him" I looked at my sister and Beta with lost eyes. "Bly, I-I didn't mean to. I panicked. I don't know why I said that, I didn't mean it."

"Shh," she said as she pulled me up from the ground and wrapped me in a warm Bly hug that was oh so rare. "Then what are you moping around me for?"


She pushed me back, hard. "What are you crying and apologizing to me for? I think someone else is waiting for those words."

I nodded my head and before I even knew it, I was flying down the stairs towards the Medical ward. I burst through the door startling the nurses and Ayana all of whom looked flustered and worried.

"A-Adriel..." Ayana began but I cut her off.

"I need to see him," I said and started to make my way towards my mate's room.

"Adriel, wait!" My sister cried as she ran after me. I threw opened the door and the enthusiasm I had immediately melted into despair as I saw the empty bed, chains on the floor and blood dripped in trails across the room.

I turn with rage to my elder sister and the skittish nurses. "Where is he?" I demand, my Alpha voice leaking into the words I spoke.

Ayana sheepishly bit her lip and wouldn't make eye contact with me as she spoke. "W-we don't know. I was only gone for a few minutes but he... I didn't think he'd be daring enough to rip out of the silver cuffs."

I had to focus on controlling my breaths, doing everything I can to keep my wolf from flying into a rage at my innocent sister. "How long?" I nearly whisper.


"HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN GONE?!" I screamed and Ayana flinched. I know I'll feel bad about that after I've calmed down, but right now, I need answers.

"A-a few minutes, 15 at most. I wasn't gone long."

I turn roughly on my heels and walk to the discarded hospital gown I see on the floor. I pick it up and give it a deep smell and the scent of cinnamon rushed through my nose. I shiver at the feeling it brings me. My eyes enlarge as I can feel my wolf begging to come out, to chase after our runaway mate. And I was more than happy to let him. I glance at the shattered window above and leap towards it, my bones shifting as I make my way through the glass and I land outside on all fours.

I put my wolfs nose in the air and sniff. A small growl escapes my lips as I catch his scent. Gotcha. I let loose a loud, Alpha-style howl before I broke off into a run after my mate. 

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