Chapter 5 - Injured

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Chapter 5

Stepping out of the office I notice a newly familiar face giving me a confused stare. "What is it, Poe?"

"Are you in trouble or something?" He smirks from over one of the desks in the command centre.

"Nope, just getting my job for today," I tell him with a small smile. "You?"

"Called in for a meeting, I'm a little early. As you can see," he gestures to the virtually empty room, making me giggle. Giggle? What the hell is wrong with you Y/N! Jedis don't giggle. They also don't develop instant crushes on pilots but here I am anyways.

"Going on that secret mission?" I ask with a raised brow.

"Did Leia tell you about that?" he questions me. I quickly notice my mistake as why would the general tell a nobody like me about a secret mission.

"Well she put me in charge of the medical wing today and just said to expect some from a mission but she didn't say what it was, so I just guessed that it was a secret," I recover my mistake, attempting to not look too bothered by it. "Well Flyboy, I better get to work. Hope to not see you later,"

"Well that's just rude, Y/N," he actually looks offended but I know that's just his game.

"I'm in the medical wing, Poe. Don't want to see you there," I wink at him as I turn to leave the meeting room. "Don't die!" I exclaim jokingly as the door closes behind me.

"No promises!" He shouts back through the closed door, an obvious chuckle in his voice.

I lean against the metal wall for a moment to regain my mentality. Do I really like Poe Dameron? A man whom I know nothing about except that he is a pilot and comes from the one place I never want to return to, not to mention the fact that I literally met him an hour ago.

"Hey Y/N," A few people say as they start to fill up the meeting room, I take that as my cue to leave and go to the changing rooms in the medic ward.

Changing into my scrubs, I check the holopad placed on the wall to see what there is to deal with today. A few vital checks, drip changes and dressing changes but other than that, nothing. I sigh, knowing that this is probably going to be a long ass day.

I exit the changing rooms and get straight to doing what I need to, some familiar faces and some not among the very few patients.

Hours go by before we actually get any action. The alarm blares in the ward, telling us to prepare for incoming patients. I don't even get a chance to look at their profiles before three are rushed in on stretchers. I go to the first one available, a pilot with a black and orange helmet who keeps insisting that he is fine. The black helmet indicates that he is a commander, hence why I will have to give him a little extra attention to keep my mother happy.

"Now what has happened here?" I ask the assistant that brought him in.

"Mild concussion, bruised ribs, head injury that will need stitches and a first degree burn on his side," the younger girl tells me before I nod her away. The man has gone quiet which makes my job easier considering the hectic environment that has evolved around us.

"Didn't expect to see you here, Kibo," the man, whom I have now been able to identify, chuckles with a groan as he winces with pain. He slowly lifts off his helmet and my suspicions are confirmed.

"Poe you idiot!" I sigh as I start looking around his head for the wound, lo and behold a relatively large gash behind his ear.

"Yeah, I get that a lot," he smirks as I scowl at him.

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