Chapter 18 - Scars

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Oops I may have forgotten that update day was yesterday so here you go! I think this is my fave chapter I've ever written so I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 18

Finally after such a long day, Poe and I get a quiet moment together. Upon closing the door to my room, I embrace him suddenly and tightly and not letting go of him any time soon. I breathe in his familiar scent of engine oil and cinnamon that I have come to relate to my safe space.

"Poe?" I start, to which he hums a reply. "What happened?"

He exhales deeply and presses a kiss to my head. "Lets shower first, we both smell awful,"

"Ok, you go first then me?" I look up at him and he stutters a moment.

"I meant together. Nothing sexual or anything, I just don't really want to be alone right now," He admits, voice soft and full of emotion.

"Sure," I smile quietly with a small nod. I kiss his unharmed but bruised cheek softly and pull away, leading the way to the ensuite bathroom.

In the two weeks we had between the baking date and him leaving, I have gotten pretty used to undressing in front of him and hopefully likewise from his side, so stripping off and putting my now horribly smelling clothes in the laundry basket isn't that big of a deal. I turn to him as he's taking off his flight suit and vest top, leaving him in his boxer briefs that admittedly don't do much for hiding what's underneath.

"Shower or tub?" I ask as I watch him stumble a second with his words as he notices my bare form.

"Shower," I nod and turn on the shower head, turning the knobs to the perfect heat and strength. I step in and a moment later he joins me too, placing his calloused hands on my hips and kissing my shoulder as I get some of the special shampoo and conditioner he uses to keep his curls intact that he brought over not too long ago and tilt his head back as I pour some into my hands, beginning to massage his scalp, lathering up the shampoo as he moans from the soothing movements of my hands. I take the shower head off the hook and rinse out his hair thoroughly and squeeze it before doing the same with the special conditioner.

"If I had known how good that felt before now, I would've asked to do this a while ago," he mumbles as I run my fingers through his already curling locks. "Your turn,"

He puts me in the same place he was a second ago and picks up my own favourite shampoo, pours a bit into his hand and begins to rub it into my hair, making sure he goes all the way to the end of my hair with care. He does the same in that he takes the shower head off the hook and rinses out the soap, putting extra caution in the ends and making sure that everything is ok with what he's doing every ten seconds.

Once he's washed and conditioned my own hair - but not before ensuring all of the soapyness has been washed out - he puts some body wash on a loofa before softly running the bubbles all the way down my body and promptly turning me to wash it all off under the warm water. I do the same for him, switching places and having him directly under the water.

There's something so domestic about washing each other's respective grime and sweat from the last few days off that just warms my heart. I wonder how much longer we will be able to do this in the future. My front pressed against his back, I run my finger delicately across the scars that litter his shoulders and spine. I promptly get rid of all the dried blood that he hasn't yet had the chance to wash off himself, washing away any reminders of what he's endured as best as I can.

"I hate them, the scars. They are just constant reminders of times when I was weak or just stupid," he swallows harshly as he chews on his bottom lip. I don't take my finger off of the long, pale scar that decorates a place high up on his ribs.

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