Chapter 12

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Ryn pov

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Ryn pov

It was over the danger was finally over, it has been over a month now and Steve had asked me to a dance at the school and I said yes. Mike had also asked El so here I was helping her get ready

"You look pretty," I said, as I finished up her hair, she smiled at me as she turns to me

"You also look pretty," she said, I smiled at her as I looked into the mirror. Joyce and Nacy both took me to buy a dress for the dance and I chose one that was more my style. Hopper went out to the town to get something and we both sat inside the cabin and watch TV until he arrived.

" I'm back," he said, once he opens the door, El stood up and went to hug him. I stood up as well and he looked at us.

"You both look amazing," he said, I smiled as he gave El and me an envelope and I frowned in confusion. As I open it, it read

"Certificate of birth, This certifies that according to the records of the State of Indiana Ryn Hopper, was born in Hawkins, child of Ryan Jacobs and Jim Hopper" I read as I looked at Hopper who looked at me.

"I know you won't have a place to go and after all, you did to help us, I wanted you to stay here with El and me so you know..." He muttered, I smiled and ran up to him and hugged him tightly

"Thank you," I said, he hugged back and we pulled away.

"Now let's get you two, to the dance," he said, we both smiled as we went to his car. As he drove us I looked at El and Hopper, he was now my Father and El my sister, they are now my pack and I felt happy and proud to be with them.

Steve's Pov

I drove to the school and came to a stop to drop off Dustin and looked at him.

"All right, buddy, here we are. So, remember, once you get in there..." I said as he turns to me

" Pretend like I don't care," he said,

"You don't care," I repeated

"I don't care. "he said

"There you go. You're learning, my friend. You're learning." I said, he then pulled down the sun visor mirror to look at himself

"Hey," I said, as I closed it

"What?" he questioned

" Come on. You look great, okay? You look... You look great. Okay? Now you're gonna go in there..." I said


"Look like a million bucks," I said, to try and encourage him


"And you're gonna slay 'em dead." I finished,

"Like a lion," he said, as he purred and I looked at him weirdly

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