Chapter 15

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Ryn pov

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Ryn pov

I woke up to the sound of El entering my room as she woke us all up. I groan not wanting to wake up right now, not after the little argument Ethan and I had yesterday night.

"El what's wrong," I said, she smiled at me

"Dustin is coming home, we are going to surprise him," she said, Ethan wok up and looked at El and sigh.

"Sorry El, but we have to go on patrol today," he said, El frowned and nodded understanding us and left. I sigh and lay back down only for Ethan to throw a pillow at me and I frowned

"Get up," he said, I groan and woke Lilly up as we began to change in the bathroom and went outside to wait for Ethan to finish up.

"You do know if there was ever any real danger, Ethan would make us all late if he doesn't hurry ups"I teased, he came out and gave us one of a rare smile

"You do know if there was ever any real danger, Ethan would make us all late if he doesn't hurry ups"I teased, he came out and gave us one of a rare smile

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" Come on now Ryn, I still would kick some major ass ," he said, I smirked at him and Lilly laughed

" Come on now Ryn, I still would kick some major ass ," he said, I smirked at him and Lilly laughed

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" Yeah but Ryn would still beat " Lilly teased , Ethan huffed and looked between us two

" Yeah but Ryn would still beat " Lilly teased , Ethan huffed and looked between us two

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