Chapter 18

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Third Pov

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Third Pov

In the woods of Hawkins, a howl was heard form miles away, in the heavy rain and mud the sound of other howls were heard. A flash of white ran passed some trees and it growled, flashes of what it has seen crossed its vision allowing the others to see them as well

"Ryn," a deep voice said,

"Sister," another voice said, that's when she came to a stop in front of a school bus, she growled looking around until she spotted a black wolf and a red wolf appeared. Ryn began to huff as she also saw the memories of her siblings,

"We need to protect the town" the black wolf growled, " These strangers could kill us for all we know it"

"Ethan we can't just go after them, they could kill us," the red wolf said, Ethan had to agree with his younger sister.

"Lilly is right, if we attack now who know what dangers they pose" Ryn stated " Whatever happened to Billy we must find a, away to not hurt him as well" The siblings agreed with there sister.

"Whoever they are, they know of what happen last year, they hurt Hopper who knows who they'll will hurt next" Ethan growled, Ryn sigh and her body began to glow as she transformed into her human form the siblings doing the same.

" As our leader, you must choose," Ethan said, as he walked in front of Ryn, she looked at him then to her sister.

"We will attack if they attack, I won't start a war with these people" Ryn said, her siblings looked at her each understanding what she meant.

" So what do we do," Lilly asked, Ryn looked at her

"For now I will stay with Dustin, Steve and Robin" Ryn said, "Lilly stay with the girls and Ethan you stay with Hopper and Joyce help them in anything you can" Both of them nodded and they shifted back into there wolf forms.

She-Wolf ( Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now