Chapter 4

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As I stare down at the lunch I've prepared, I realize we should do something special for Ink and Fell's "first day here" or whatever. So I scramble to get tupperware and plastic bags to pack up the food. Then out comes the basket, and Mom's old outdoor blanket.

"Guys!" I shout up the stairs. "We're going somewhere! Get down here, and no excuses." The two skeletons are down here in two seconds flat, with Ink looking positively thrilled, and Fell looking even more tired than before.

I nod towards the front door. "C'mon. No complaining, 'cause it's only down the street a ways."

"Uh...what is it?" Ink asks cautiously.

"You'll see," I grin. "It's a surprise." And with that, I turn and walk out the door, stopping at the sidewalk to wait for the others. There's a spring in my step, and nothing's weighing me down, probably because Ink acted like a gentleman and offered to carry the basket and blanket for me. But this is the happiest I've felt in a while. Who knew two skeletons could make me feel so...lighthearted?

"A-are we almost there?" Ink asks, struggling to keep hold of the pile he's carrying.

"Yeah," I respond, and point to a side path off the main sidewalk. "There." Barely three seconds after the words left my mouth, he starts sprinting towards the entrance to the location!

"Wait!" I yell, half-laughing. "You can't go in yet!" But it's too late; he's already turned onto the little side path, so I have to bolt after him too. When I finally catch up with Fell at my heels, Ink's already laid out the blanket, and now he's rummaging through the basket, taking out wrapped-up sandwiches, thermoses of soup, and a container with a large slice of left-over cake. He looks up at me with stars in his...eyesockets.

"You made all this?" he asks, looking impressed. I shrug and sit down on the blanket.

"Some of it," I say, glancing at the display of food. "But the soup is reheated. And the cake is left over." Ink still looks happy, and seizes a sandwich, quickly tearing off the cling-wrap, then takes a big bite. As I wonder how he's able to eat it and where the food goes (at this I shiver), a big, content smile is stretching over his face.

"This is really good!" he exclaims, and wolfs it down in five seconds. "Can I have another?" I laugh and motion towards the pile of food.

"Knock yourself out." I say, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Fell standing over us. I tilt my head towards Ink, then tap the ground impatiently with my fingers. He gets the message and slumps down next to us.

And so we talk together, and I finally feel as though I've found some real friends.

Not even the fact that the scene around me is gray makes me unhappy.

But I think about how I'll tell them about my condition.

Eh, they can find out later.

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