Chapter 6

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I sit at the small counter, arms folded on the surface of the marble, watching the definition of chaos. It's not the worst kind, just enough to turn my kitchen into a dusty pile of debris. The stove has gray flames shooting out of the burner and the oven door is open, with thick black smoke spilling out of it. A pan on the blazing burner is sizzling and sounds like a firework about to go off. And to top it all, the fridge is half-empty, with the loose contents in a hazardous pile on the floor.

I make no move to clean anything up. I just watch Blue dump mound after mound of vegetables and meat onto a tortilla I found in the back of the fridge. It's not like I'm going to eat that, which looks halfway between a taco and something you could find in a trash can after a failed cooking attempt. And it's been stewing in the sun for three weeks on end.

"Blue, that's not how you-" Ink starts to cut in, but the smallest skeleton ignores him and throws another handful of...a mystery ingredient into the pan while insisting he knows what he's doing.

"IT'S MY SPECIAL RECIPE!" he informs me, somehow smiling even wider. "YOU'LL LOVE IT." I smile weakly and eye the "dinner" he's preparing.

It might not smell or look good, but it's probably delicious, I assure myself nervously. Just try something new for once. It'll be fine. But when I glance over at Fell and Ink, they both look equally disgusted as I felt three seconds ago, so I take back my thoughts. Yep. It's gonna be horrible.

With one last heap of sloppily-chopped tomatoes (courtesy of yours truly), Blue carefully slides the concoction onto one of the biggest plates I own.

"EAT SOME!" he urges us. Ink and I share a shaky grin and I'm using all my strength not to gag. I might've said it wouldn't be bad, but scratch that. It looks bad and Like a taco, I guess. But the taste. Oh, how I fear the taste. I have been warned about Blue's idea of food.

"AREN'T YOU GOING TO TRY SOME?" he asks, looking a little hurt. I don't get up, but I do gesture towards Fell with my head.

"He looks hungry. Make him try some."

"Y/N, what the hell?" he glares, but I see him fight back a grin. He's turned it into a contest. "How about however can eat the most without gagging wins."

"No way!" I exclaim, but slap a hand over my mouth in case I hurt Blue's feelings. "I dared you, now you've gotta do it. You can't turn it around."

"Fine." Fell grabs the plate and pulls it towards him. I hurriedly stand up and run into the guest bedroom so I won't have to watch anything. But moments later, Ink comes rushing through the door looking almost as panicked and sickened as me. I suddenly remember this is his room, and I feel my face flush with embarrassment.

"Sorry," I mutter, and shuffle towards the door awkwardly.

"No, no!" Ink grabs my arm and I turn around, and we both look at each other insecurely. He quickly lets me go and frantically sits on the edge of his bed. I turn the knob on the door and go to leave when he speaks to me.

"I meant you don't have to leave," he says, and I see the same gray dusting on his face, exactly like the one a few days ago. "I enjoy your company."

"Oh," I mumble. "Thank you. But I really should make sure there's nothing too gross going on. Thanks again. For the invitation." I muster a smile and slip out the door.

In the hallway, I lean against the wall in frustration. Boy, do I get so weird around him. I try to distract myself with the black and white pictures all around me, but then one thought creeps into my mind.

How do I tell Ink about my condition?

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