Chapter 7

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When I hear a loud thump from upstairs, I brush it off as some commotion one of the three skeleton roommates I have is making. But when I glance around downstairs from my nest of blankets on the couch, I see that all three are down here with me. So I look up at the ceiling like the problem is hanging there from a hook.

It's not.

So I throw off my blanket cape and shuffle upstairs to my bedroom, where the crash came from. I nervously open the door, but try to maintain a calm, collected expression. And what I see on my rug doesn't startle me, miraculously.

Another skeleton is sitting up against my bed, rubbing his skull.

"Hi," I fold my arms. "Welcome to hell."

The skeleton looks around. "I imagined hell way darker. And I don't think it would have a fluffy yellow carpet."

I'm about to say I don't know what the fuck yellow is, but I shut my mouth in case someone's listening outside the door. I wonder if yellow is pretty.

"It's hell to me," I wave my hand dismissively. "Hurry up, you've got friends downstairs."

He nods. "Hip-Hop."

"What?" I raise an eyebrow.

"That's my name. Let me guess...Y/N?"

I step back and slam into the door. "How do you know?"

"Word gets around. I came to take the three others you've held hostage back."

I'm shocked and glare at him. "I have not held them hostage! And I suspect you won't be able to return to where you came from."

"We'll see about that." Hip-Hop gets up and meanders out my door. I follow him with my eyes then hurry after him. When I get downstairs, Ink, Blue and Fell are crowded around him, with Blue looking nervous and Ink a little hurt.

Then, without my control, I race forward and shove the skeleton who accused me of kidnapping. Skeletonnapping. He staggers back and glares at me, which I still cannot figure out how that works.

'What the hell?" he growls, but I stand in front of my only friends, daring him to try to get past me. It would be easy, but I'm trying to look dangerous here. I keep my protective stance going.

"I am seriously not letting you take them," I snarl. "These are my friends, my only friends. So shut up and go share a room with Fell or whatever."

Hip-Hop scowls at me one more time before actually obeying me and heads upstairs. I don't bother to tell him which room he's going to.

"WE'RE YOUR FRIENDS?" Blue asks excitedly, grabbing my arm. I smile down at him.

"Well, yeah. And my housemates, but yeah. Friends." I look up at Fell and Ink, who're standing in front of me. I want to say Fell looks grateful, but I can't. Ink, on the other hand, looks ecstatic that I called him a friend of mine. And then I see that all-too-familiar gray on his face. And at the exact same time, I feel a warmth on my cheeks.

"You're red," Fell points out, grinning kinda maliciously at me. I glare at him too, not knowing what red is, but the feeling doesn't go away. So I shoo Blue off my arm and collapse at the counter, drinking a water that's been sitting out for an hour. It was Blue's, but I put a straw in it, because, you know, germs.

Ink slides onto the barstool on my left, and Blue climbs onto the one on my right. They both pull whatever they had been working on earlier towards them, and I realize they're drawings. Blue is using a few broken crayons I found in my desk drawer yesterday, and Ink is using pro art supplies I've never seen in my entire life. I'm about to look at their art when they both block it from my view.

"IT'S A SURPRISE!" Blue crows gleefully. "YOU CAN'T SEE IT YET."

'"Same here," Ink smiles, the ever-growing gray on his cheeks darkening. I brush it off like every other time and sip my water again. I love this quietness. I just wish it would be like this more often.

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