Chapter 6

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{The Next Morning}

~Klaus POV~

There Was A Loud Noise Downstairs, It Sounded Like Glass Shattering.

Violet Grabbed Sunny And We Ran Down The Steps To See What Had Happened.

We Called Aunt Josephine's Name But, There Was No Response.

When We Got To The Library We Saw Hole It The Window And A Note On The Table Next To It

Once We Got Hold Of What Hold Of Happened We Decided To Read The Note.

"'Violet, Klaus, y/n, And Sunny: By The Time You Read This Note, My Life Will Be At It's End. My Heart Is As Cold As Ike, And I Find My Like Inbearable. I Know Your Children May Not Understand The Sad Life Of A Dowadger, Or What Would Have Leadled Me To The Desperate Akt But, Please Know That I Am Much Happier This Way. As My Last Will And Testament, I Leave You Four In The Care Of Captain Sham, A Kind And Honorable Men. Please Think Of Me Kindly Even Though I'd Done This Terrible Thing. -Josephine Anwhistle.'" I Read Aloud.

"It Can't Be..." I Heard y/n Whisper.

{Brunch With Mr.Poe And Captain Sham}

"Hello And Welcome To The Anxious Clown, I'm Larry, Your Waiter." A Man In A Clown Outfit Said."Can I Start You Off With Something To Drink?"

Violet, y/n, And I Got Water And Sunny Got Ice.

The Waiter Asked About Our Allergies, I Answered For My Siblings And I, y/n Answered As Well. He Brought Out Peppermints And Parsley Along With The Check. My Siblings And Put The Peppermints In Our Mouths And y/n Put The Parsley In Her Mouth.

"Good God! You Four Look Terrible!" Mr.Poe Said.

"They Look Fine To Me." Count Olaf Said.

"What Are You Talking About. Klaus's And Tongue Is Swelling, Violet Has Big Ugly Red Splotches On Her Face, Both Are Happening To Sunny, And y/n's Itching Like Crazy. The Children Need To Go Home."

"We'll Go Home By Ourselves." Violet Said.

Mr.Poe Agreed And We Went Back To Aunt Josephine's House.

{Fifteen Minutes Later}

y/n, Sunny, And Violet's Allergic Reactions Have Slowed To A Stop. My Reaction Allergic Is Slowing Quickly.

We All Discussed Aunt Josephine's Notes.

y/n Had Written Out The Misspelled Words On Some Scrap Paper.

"There's A Hidden Message." y/n Said."C-U-R-D-L-E-D"

"Curdled Cave." Violet And I Said Together.

"Why Would Her Last Words Be About A Cave?" I Asked.

"Because There Not Her Last Words, Klaus." y/n Said."There Was A Statue In This Room Originally, Aunt Josephine Must've Pushed It Out The Window Then Climbed To Safety."

"And She's Hiding In Curdled Cave." I Added.

We Went Over To The Map On Aunt Josephine's Wall.

We Discussed Our Plan Of Action And Then The Storm Hit.

I Had Been Knock To The Ground, y/n And Violet Caught Onto The Map, And Sunny Used Her Teeth To Hold Onto The Doornob. The Carpet I Landed On Slid To The Window, As It Did I Saw The Safe Open Up And Stuff Come Flying Out. Ike's Picture Came Hurtling Out Of The Window. The Book From The Safe Opened And There Was A Picture Of What Looked To Be A Spyglass. A Photo Land By My Feet And Was Stuck On The Broken Glass. The Map y/n And Violet Were Holding Onto Started To Rip. The Storm Let A Up.

y/n, Violet, And Sunny Got To The Door But, I Couldn't Before The Storm Picked Up Again.

"Klaus!" y/n And Violet Said As I Was Throw Back Towards The Window.

I Saw The Photo. It Was A Picture Of Our Parents, Our Guardians, And A Few Others. I Grabbed The Photo. The Storm Became Strong And To Keep From Being Flung Into The Lake I Grabbed Hold Of The Carpet Which Got Caught On Broken Glass. The Storm Bound The House A Bit And I Ended Up Inside Again, I Ran Over My Sisters And y/n. This Time I Made It.

The House Rock For A Minute And A Lime Rolled Into The Library Causing The House To Become Unstable.

We All Ran For The Front Door. Thankfully We All Made It. Aunt Josephine's House Toppled Down The Hill.

We Headed To The Fickle Ferry.

When We Got There I Noticed Something At The Bottom Of The Flyer.

"'Weather Permitting'" I Read.

"What Does That Mean?" Violet Asked.

"The Fickle Ferry Isn't Running At All." I Said.

"Then How Are We Going To Get To Aunt Josephine?" y/n Asked.

Sunny Babbled Looking Over At Some Small Boats.

{Twenty Minutes Later}

When We Got To Curdled Cave, We Heard Moaning.

We Went Inside.

It Was Aunt Josephine Moaning.

We Convinced Her To Leave Curdled Cave And Come Back With Us.

{When You Get Back To Lake Lachrymose}

~Your POV~

When I Went To Step Off Of The Boat Someone Yanked Be Back Onto It.

My Head Slammed Against The Wood Causing Me To Blackout.

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