[???] ????

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"Do you remember me?"
The small child asked.

"It's me! Don't you recall me?"
They said.

"Remember when we always played in the playground?" The kid wondered.
"Remember that time where i fell off the equipment, and you were there to help me up?"
"Don't you remember?"

"Remember that day when we got ice cream together, and i dropped mine?"
"You gave yours to me, because you cared about me." The child asked.
"Don't you remember that?"

The child began to act desperate.
"O-or that time when we went fishing together!"
"You showed me how to fish!" The kid tugged at the person's sleeve.

"Please! You have to remember!" The child began to cry.
"Why don't you remember?!"

"REMEMBER ME! PLEASE!" They choked back their tears.
"Why? Why don't you remember?"
"We were... Like a family!"
"Please, Remember me!"


Someone, please, help me.

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