Chapter one

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Someone was poking at his sides, while he was trying to have a good sleep. Alec mumbled incoherent words and turned in his bed, but someone kept poking him and he also heard a female voice somewhere in the distance, as if he was underwater. 

"Alec! Alec, rise and shine, big bro!"

Alec groaned rather loudly and slowly opened one eye. The female voice was now quiet, but suddenly, his blanket was not on him anymore and the cold air hit his body. Alec shot up, now both eyes open and almost screamed "Izzy! Fuck off!" In front of his bed was his sister Isabelle, who was in her usual black leather pants and black tank top, with the killer heels to match. She flipped her long, black hair, which were in a ponytail, out of her way and smiled down at Alec. "Get up, sleepyhead."

Alec rubbed his eyes and yawned. He shot Isabelle a death glare and said "What the fuck are you doing in my room?" Isabelle gave a small laugh and sat on the edge of his bed, picking at her nails, which were perfectly manicured with a deadly red color. "Weird, I know right? Don't remember the last time I was in here... or the last time you let me in here. It's embarrassingly clean." Alec scoffed and touched the floor with his feet. The floor was also cold and Alec gave a small gasp when he touched it.

"Iz. Seriously." Alec grumbled, reaching for his wrist watch on the end table. Isabelle smirked and said "Noticed you slept in. And you never do. That is like seeing a pig fly. Unbelievable, on what level have you stooped, big brother." Alec raised and eyebrow and looked at his watch that was now attached to his arm - it read 6:45. He held onto his head and made a very exasperated noise. "5 minutes. Iz, are you fucking kidding me?" he said. Isabelle burst into laughter. Alec glared at her and then got up, looked for his shirt and slipped it on, asking his sister "And what are you doing up so early, anyway?" 

Isabelle giggled, which was a very inhuman noise to Alec, and replied "Or did I never go to sleep?". She winked. Alec groaned again and said "I don't want to know, forget I asked." He put his sweats on and glanced at the mirror next to his dresser. His black hair were a mess as always, but his hazel eyes shone bright - not an ounce of sleep in them anymore. He was a morning person, he could wake up in 2 minutes if need be. And sometimes, it was need be. Isabelle shrugged and said "Since we're up, how about I accompany you on your workout today? I'm feeling adventurous anyway." Isabelle never worked out so early, so this must've been a big deal for her. Alec rolled his eyes but said "Not in those you're not." He nodded towards his sister's attire.

Isabelle replied rather venomously "I could take on you and Jace both at the same time and still make it to my mani-pedi in 5 minutes, wearing these heels and these pants." She flipped him the finger as she walked out the room, probably to change anyway. She knew full well that the proper attire allowed for more movement, and Isabelle was no fool. She just liked telling people to go fuck themselves. Part of her charming persona.

Alec got up and stretched. Outside the window he could see that the sun was still very low. When he went about the hallway, it was eerily quiet. His steps on the carpeted floor were as quiet as a cats. When he reached downstairs of their Command Centre, the only soul in the computer room was the tech-guy, Simon. He was sipping coffee from a huge mug, his glasses slipping on his nose. Alec walked by him, giving him a "Morning" and took to the training room. Simon nodded to him in haste. They both weren't the chatting kind, Alec appreciated the space and Simon appreciated the quiet. Once in the training room, Alec began doing push-ups to pass the time, until Isabelle decided to show up. After 10 minutes, she did, still in the tank top but now also wearing sweats and sneakers. She smiled at Alec, who now stood up.

"Alright, walk me through your routine." she said, beaming at him. Alec looked at her questioningly and asked "You sure you're up for that?" Isabelle scoffed and said "You underestimate me, brother." Alec took to the punching bags and answered "Never, sis." They began with the punching bags and soon enough, both were sporting a layer of sweat. After about 20 minutes, they stretched again and took to the balance beams. While balancing on her left leg, her arms in the air by her sides, Isabelle spoke "So, how you've been? I mean, after the thing with Jace." Alec hopped from one beam to another, balanced himself out and then glared at her. "It was just typical, stupid Jace. I'm over it, no big deal." He made a back flip, landing on the ground. Isabelle did a front flip and landed as gracefully. She asked between breaths "Over it? The man nearly got himself killed. I watched you Alec, I was there when you saved him. It was a big deal."

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