Chapter nine

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Once outside the abandoned building, Magnus unbuckled his seatbelt and began to climb out, but felt a hand on his arm. He looked back at Alec, who was clutching at his hand and raised a brow in question. Alec seemed to struggle with words but he finally said "Be careful." Magnus smiled at him and said "Don't worry, you won't get rid of me that easily." He grabbed the flowers and book, walking towards the building. Once inside, he looked around. He went straight through the large doors that once led to the dining room and than went to the back, where he knew was a garden. He stepped outside the backyard, looking around at the abandoned place. Trees and bushes grew here, the nature taking over. He looked at the plaque on the wall of the building which read "St. Michael's Foster Home for The Unfortunate.". He set the tulips down on the ground below the plaque. He heard a crack and turned around swiftly. In the shadows, someone moved.

Magnus didn't dare breathe. Please let it be her, he prayed. The figure stepped out of the shadows and Magnus let out a breath in relief. Catarina still looked beautiful with her dark skin and white hair, but Magnus saw her worn figure. The way her hair were thin and didn't have their shine anymore. How she was too skinny for her own good. The bags under her eyes and the dimness in her eyes. Magnus strutted towards her and held her in his arms. Catarina's weak arms were around him and she whispered "You're here." Magnus smiled and replied "And so are you." Catarina smiled and it was still the same sweet smile of the woman Magnus knew. He took her hand, leading her inside. They went to the old dining room and Catarina took a seat in an ancient arm chair, leaving Magnus standing next to a broken table. "Remember how I first came to visit you? You were so happy to see me. You thought I was an angel." Catarina laughed and the sound echoed through the empty building. Magnus smiled too and replied "Well, it was true. You are an angel. Here, for you." He extended the book and Catarina took it. Her eyes lit up and she said lovingly "Oh Mags...One of my favorites." She hugged the copy of Pride and Prejudice to her chest, smiling at Magnus.

Magnus started "Cat...I know what you'll say but hear me out...I might be able to help you, for good this time." Catarina's smile faded and it was replaced with a tired look. "Magnus, don't. Too many times have I gotten my hopes up and too many times has that hope been taken from me. Look at me. I can't bear any more." she said sadly. Magnus stepped to where she was sitting and kneeled down, taking her hands in his. He said quietly, but desperetaly "Cat, listen to me. I know you have no reason to believe this time is any different and for that, you'll never know how sorry I am. I did try, Cat, I tried so bad to help you out. And help Ragnor..." Catarina's eyes were watery now. Magnus continued "But I have people on my side. People who can help. Who want to take Valentine down as much as I." Catarina eyed her suspiciously "What kind of people, Magnus?"

Magnus hesitated but said "The Lightwoods." Catarina let out a short, sarcastic laugh. She took her hands from Magnus' and replied with a snap "Bounty hunters? You're kidding me right? And aren't they the one's supposed to be looking for you? What are you playing at, Bane?" Magnus quickly said "Cat, listen. I know you have no reason to believe me. But I love you. And I would do anything to get you out. I was skeptical at first, but when I met them, the Lightwoods, they're not what they seem. Much like me and you know all about that." Catarina's eyes were still full of suspicion but her mouth twitched like she wanted to smile so Magnus continued "I just...I don't know, I feel like this is our chance. And once you're out, we're both free. And Ragnor. They promised it to me and for some reason, I think they're telling the truth. I can trust them. We can." Catarina eyed him and suddenly cracked a smile. "Which one is it? The blonde one?" she asked, her voice laced with amusement. Magnus looked at her innocently and replied "I don't know what you mean."

Catarina barked a laugh and stood up, putting her hands on his shoulders. She was looking at Magnus, like she could see straight through him. And she could. "This trust you have, it's got to do with a guy...or a girl. You wouldn't sound so sure if you hadn't met someone. So go on. Magnus, I know you through and through. Spill." Magnus sighed and rolled his eyes. "It's Alexander..." Catarina let out a victorious 'ha!' but Magnus quickly said "But it's not like that. I just- he has a trusting persona. He said that I can trust him and I believed him. And he trusts me. Catarina, all that has been pinned on me, what people make me out to be...he doesn't care. He thinks that I am good Cat, can you believe that?" Catarina looked at him with sad eyes and then put a hand under his chin, lifting it so he had to look her in the eyes. Catarina said sternly "Magnus Bane, you are good. Don't you ever think differently." Magnus huffed a laugh but felt tears prickling in his eyes. Catarina cocked her head to the side and said "Well, I trust you. You better be right about this. But I want to speak to you have a phone? A burner phone. On you." 

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