Chapter nineteen

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Magnus couldn't really wrap his head around everything that had happened, so he just chose to ignore it for the time being. He needed to be vigilant, to be alert, for Alexander. He needed to help him save his family, just like Alec had helped save Catarina and Ragnor.

He looked to his right, where Alec was staring down at the blueprints of the building in front of them, the cold night air tousling his air in a beautiful way. His eyes were fixed on the faint lines of the map, tongue slightly stuck out as he was thinking of the best way to retrieve his brother and his brother's girlfriend. His gear was all black, the rifle on his back and a small handgun in the holster. He knew that Alec was also carrying a knife in his right boot, just like Magnus was carrying one underneath his black coat. Suddenly, Alec's eyes shot up, meeting his and Magnus coughed, feeling caught. "So, what's the plan?" he asked quickly, ignoring Alec's slightly amused look.

"Well," the hunter drawled, smiling a little "Jonathan demanded that we give Valentine over, in exchange he will give us Clary and Jace. Except, Clary is his sister. I'm pretty sure he is reluctant at giving them up, and he would rather kill Jace than let him go. So, we have the back up. You and I will be the ones doing the talking, at the same time the other team will ambush them from the sides. I have five men, any more could result in exposure, so it'll have to do. Besides, I think we can handle Jonathan, don't you?" Alec concluded and Magnus smirked, loading his gun with a click. "Absolutely." he replied and Alec nodded, happy with the answer. "Where is he?" Alec asked a woman next to her. She was dressed in black gear, just like Alec, her dark purple hair reaching her shoulders and her figure slim, almost as small as Clary's. She nodded towards the trees and two men came over, holding Valentine between them. His mouth was covered with a cloth and he mumbled something.

Magnus rolled his eyes, taking his arm and holding him up, and Alec moved to the other side, holding his other arm tightly. His hands were in restraints, but his eyes were shining with anger and disgust, even. Alec turned towards the team of five, including Isabelle and Simon. At first, Simon had insisted to come along and Alec had agreed, asking Isabelle to stay back at the Institute, to find out where the hell was Hodge and to keep an eye on Cat and Ragnor, to make sure they were treated, but of course Alec's sister had refused. Magnus had come to realize, that if there was something Isabelle couldn't stand, was being left to sit aside, whilst her family risked their lives. He also came to know, that she was more than capable of taking care of herself, as well as threatening Alec and Simon into letting her come along.

So, now they both stood side by side with three others. Andrew was a tall blond man with baby blue eyes and a strong built-body. He was standing like a security guard, hands behind his back, looking sternly at Alec, awaiting orders. The girl with the short purple hair, Lyla, was petite but as Isabelle had told him, quick as lighting and just as lethal. Magnus wouldn't have doubted it, observing how the young woman blew a bubble from the gum she was chewing, her nose ring glinting slightly. The last one was a young man who went by the name Brad, his black hair curled and reaching his shoulders. His facial features were soft and deemed him younger then the rest, but his eyes were a dark blue, almost black in the soft street light, giving off an impression that he's seen a lot of things people his age normally wouldn't. Again, Magnus had no doubt that it was true.

"Isabelle, you are in charge of the team. You know what to do, make sure you go over every detail. I want this done with as much caution as possible - Jonathan is unstable, that much we know. What we don't know, is how many men he might have inside with him. Our goal is to take them down, with minimal causalities. You have your guns with tranquilizer darts - use them. Only use live rounds when necessary, you hear me? There's been enough bloodshed already, let's not add to the body count." Alec said, his eyes harsh and determined. The other hunters, including Simon and Isabelle, were regarding him carefully, but Magnus could see the respect they had for him and the way they listened to his every word intently. Once again, the conman was astonished of the way Alexander could make himself be heard with just by the authoritative look and demeanor, even as he was holding Valentine by the arm, slightly slumped.

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