Chapter eighteen

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Alec's mind was a blur but his movements were fast and precise as he chased out the building, desperately trying to get to Magnus. He knew Asmodeous was alive, that Magnus had shot him in the leg, not in the heart or head or anywhere else that would've been lethal. But Valentine was different... Alec was almost certain that if given the chance, Magnus would kill him. That means Jonathan would definitely kill Jace and Clary.

He reached the docks, looking around frantically and spotted movement on the far left side, where a huge cargo ship was anchored. A flash of a person in black climbing the ship by the railings. Magnus. Even from the distance, Alec could detect the way Magnus moved - determined, fluid and swift, like an assassin with its target in sight.

He picked up his pace, reaching the ship. He gazed up, in the dark it was hard to see where they were but he could hear shouting voices. He tucked his gun in and jumped, getting a hold of a rope tangling from the side and climbed. Just as his hands grabbed the railings, so he could heave himself up, a gun went off. He felt a coldness under his heart and struggled to get up, quickly. He hoped he wasn't too late.

When he jumped up on the deck, he felt a searing pain in his leg. He must've twisted it at some point, but right now he couldn't care less. He saw Valentine in the middle of the deck, on his knees and head thrown back in a sly grin, hands on his sides with no weapon in sight. Magnus was standing in front of him, gun pointed at the man and his hand didn't waver. There was another gun laying forgotten a few feet from Valentine. Alec stumbled over, the deck was slippery and grimy. He inhaled the smell of seaweed and for some reason, it made him so sick he almost gagged. 

When he reached the two, he shouted the conman's name, hoping it would distract him. Magnus's head didn't turn, his gaze still fixed on Valentine. "Magnus, you can't kill him." Alec shouted over the wind, standing to a halt next to Magnus. "Who says?" Magnus asked, calmly, his voice like ice. Even though he wasn't shouting, Alec could hear him perfectly fine. The tone made him shiver - Magnus looked like a different person. His eyes were still the brown he knew, but they were cold and hard, like he had shut some kind of door and locked it, throwing away the key. He was motionless, mouth in a hard line and jaw set, the gun in his hand so firm, not even wind could shake it. Alec shook his head.

With a small step, he tried to get to him, but to his surprise Magnus was swift. He pulled another gun from underneath his coat and held it out. Pointing it at Alec. He stopped in his tracks, heart pounding. His mind was racing and he felt very empty all of a sudden. He raised his hands slowly. "Magnus, I'm with you, okay? Same side, remember?" he said slowly, not moving any closer. Magnus's eyes didn't leave Valentine as he spoke. "You want to capture him and send him to prison, but you only know half of what he's done. He deserves to die for everything he ever did." the conman's voice was still like metal, cutting like a knife and Alec almost winced. He had never heard Magnus speak in that tone and it scared him. He was scared not for himself, but for Magnus.

"And I agree." Alec said, glancing at Valentine, giving him a venomous look and Valentine raised an eyebrow. "I thought you lot were honorable people." the criminal sneered and even though he tried playing indifferent, Alec could hear the tinge of fear in his voice. Valentine didn't want to die and he was well aware, just like Alec, that Magnus would be very capable of pulling the trigger. He hadn't done so, because Alec had interrupted them, but that wouldn't last long. Alec knew how Magnus felt and he'd seen many people like him and felt it himself - when you had the person responsible for your misery as well as your family on the other end of the gun, you felt powerful. And that power could be lethal.

"Magnus, listen to me. Just listen. I know what he's done. And I want this, just as much as you. But you can't kill him." Alec said again, speaking in a calm tone, still. He felt the wind blow through his clothes, making him shiver. He was still staring at Magnus, hands raised. The gun that was pointed at him looked menacing and unyielding. He tried his best to ignore it.

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