Chapter eight

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It was a little after 2 a.m. when they stumbled into the Institute. Alec held a finger to his mouth, indicating Magnus to be quiet, but Magnus, being the devil he is, rolled his eyes and put a foot in front of Alec's, making him stumble forward and fall flat on the floor. Magnus tried to hold back his laughter as best as he could, but there were tears in his eyes and his stomach hurt from holding it all in. Suddenly, a light flicked on in the corridor and Isabelle Lightwood leaned on the living room doorframe, scowling.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood, what the fuck are you doing?" she said in a loud whisper. Magnus couldn't take it and let out a loud laugh, to which Alec replied with a "Shut up" and scrambled up. Isabelle raised her eyebrow and said "We were worried you know. After dinner, you weren't here so we thought..." Isabelle trailed off, glancing between him and Magnus. Then she said with a surprised tone "Are you...drunk?"

Magnus smirked and gestured towards Alec "He is. I have a high tolerance of alcohol. If I'd known he was such a lightweight, I would've ordered him an orange juice." Alec said quite loudly "I am not drunk." Isabelle raised her eyebrow again, this time accompanied with a smirk and said "Really? What was my pet rabbits name?" Alec scrunched up his nose, concentrating. "You never had a pet rabbit, Izzy. I mean, if you did it would've been dead in  a week." Isabelle chuckled and replied "Fair enough. But you are tipsy, dear brother. Are you okay?" Her voice was now concerned and Magnus replied "We just went out to..." he glanced at Alec, who slightly shook his head and Magnus continued "To have a bite to eat. And drink a few beers. That's all." 

Magnus smiled sweetly at Isabelle, who had a suspicious face on. She picked on her nails and then said "So you two went out? Are you suddenly best friends?" There was a threat in there somewhere, Magnus was sure of it, because Izzy was pretending not to care but she was looking coldly at him. "Iz... I know what you're thinking. Leave it." Alec suddenly said. But Magnus cut in "Oh, no. By all means, do say what you were about to. Or let me. You think I'm a conman, so I can't be trusted. I've done all these horrible things and even though I am helping you know, risking the lives of the people I love, you still think that I would hurt you're brother somehow? I am not that cruel."

Isabelle took in a sharp breath and cautiously replied "Magnus...I actually think you are a good man. Really. I know all those things you did were for the better...In your own way, you tried to help people who needed it. I just love my brother so much. And-" Alec cut in now with some hostility "Iz. I'm not a child. I was the one who looked after both of you, remember? Don't act like the roles are reversed. Just like then, I need to see to it that you two don't get yourselves killed by doing something reckless. But when I do it, it's the end of the fucking world?" Magnus looked at Alec with admiration. He was wondering when will Alec explode with these emotions. From what he told Magnus, Alec had always followed the rules, keeping tabs on his siblings, never once taking a breather to think about what it was that he wanted. Isabelle seemed hurt but when she opened her mouth to say something, Alec raised his hand, indicating for her to stop. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight." he just said. He turned to Magnus, who was unsure of what was going to happen. But Alec just looked at him and said in a quiet but sweet tone "Thank you, Magnus. I had a great time." 

With that, Alec left. Isabelle stood there awkwardly and Magnus decided to point it out, just for the hell of it. "Well, this is awkward." he announced. Isabelle seemed desperate when she said "Magnus, I was serious. I don't think badly of you. We were just worried. It's just that Alec trusts you, I don't know why, but he does. And I-" Magnus shook his head and interrupted her "And you don't, right? I don't care for your trust anyways, Isabelle. I have had my whole life where people have come and gone, it was impossible to trust anyone. I've never needed it. I can't tell you what to do, and vice versa, but Alec has his own mind. He knows, what he wants, and if he trusts me...then I won't break that trust. Like I said, I'm not cruel." Isabelle stood there, unsure of where to look. She bit her lower lip and looked anxious. "Okay. That's good enough for me. I'm sorry for lashing out." she sighed eventually. Magnus shrugged and replied "I get it all the time." He waved at her and started towards his own bedroom, when he heard Isabelle say faintly "I'm sorry that you've had to go through so much pain in your life."

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