Chapter five

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Alec had just finished showering and padded back towards his bunk across the warehouse floor, when the he heard someone say with a loud voice "So this is where you've been hiding. Not exactly the coziest place, is it?". Alec looked up to see Magnus sauntering in, wearing dark green leather pants and a silver glittering shirt, on top of which was the same long black coat from before. His hair were in million spikes and they were glittering, too. He's ringed finger rose up to run through the spikes as he was smiling. Alec stopped in his tracks and replied glumly "Well, it's not like we live here. We're never in one place for too long." Magnus realized that Alec was only wearing a towel around his waist and his skin was still wet from the shower. His heart stopped for a moment.

"Magnus? You okay?" Alec asked, genuinely concerned, bless him. Magnus stopped roaming his eyes along the man's body and looked him in the eyes, saying with a cheerful voice "Yes, I'm back. What were you saying?" Alec blushed and reached for his shirt, when Isabelle came over, her 7 inch heels clicking on the floor. Her black leather pants and a quite revealing shirt made her look ready for a party, if you ignore the fact that she was carrying a handgun in the holster around her waist. "Magnus, not a moment late, I see. You ready to leave?" she asked, smiling at the man. Magnus nodded and replied "Ready as I'll ever be." Jace shouted from the bathroom "Alec, can I please fly us back?" Alec, now fully dressed and no longer blushing, rolled his eyes. He did this a lot when it came to his siblings. Or any other human being.

"No." he replied to his brother. Magnus raised his eyebrow and cocked his head, when looking at Alec. "You are flying us to New York?" he asked. There was a hint of amazement in his tone and Alec smiled at this. "Yeah. Jace would probably fly us to New Zealand by accident, or worse, drown us into the Pacific." Jace was now present, standing next to Isabelle, also fully dressed but still barefoot. "Whatever. You crash a plane one time..." he mumbled, trying to get his sock onto his foot while balancing on one leg. Isabelle carried their things onto the jet with Alec and Magnus approached with his bag, looking over at the jet. He eyed it suspiciously. "Not a fan of flying?" Alec asked. Magnus shrugged his shoulders when climbing inside "I like flying. I just never let the people who are hunting me, be the pilot. Doesn't usually work out well for me." Isabelle laughed at this, strapping herself in her chair. 

"Alright, everyone ready? Isabelle, are they strapped in?" Alec asked from the front. Isabelle looked at Jace's annoyed expression and Magnus' amused one and said "Yep, like babies. All ready, big bro." Alec started the take-off. He was a good pilot, always loved flying whenever he could. Once in the air he set it on autopilot for a while, so he could turn his chair around to look at his companions. Jace was already up and about - cleaning his guns. Isabelle was conversing with Magnus. "So, let me just ask you. Why did you agree to come? I mean, do you trust us?" Isabelle was saying. Magnus snorted at this and said "No." He eyed Alec, and than corrected himself "I mean, not likely. But there's little I can do about this, I mean, it's Catarina. I'd do anything to save her." There was worry in his voice and Alec asked "Who is she to you?" Isabelle and Magnus eyed him and Alec felt himself blush again. "I mean, like how do you know her? She sounds very important to you."

"Getting jealous, Alexander?" Magnus asked with a smile and Isabelle laughed again. "She helped me, when I was a young boy and lost. Took me under her wing. Been friends ever since. It was an accident, a bad coincidence that she got caught up with Morgenstern." he continued, his voice bitter. Alec nodded and said "I looked her up. Her record was clean before all that. Why doesn't she leave? Like you did?" Magnus scoffed and replied "I did leave, and remember what happened? I barely survived. But there's also someone that she loves, who Valentine has as his prisoner. She would never leave without him." Jace, who had been listening, said "That's terrible." Alec looked at him - Jace seemed pissed. Magnus shrugged his shoulders and said "Yeah, well, there's no one that's brave enough to go after him. Valentine is the leader of the shady black market all over New York, everyone has allegiance to him. You go against him, you're definitely dead meat."

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