Chapter fifteen

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Magnus looked around in the room - it was bleak, the walls gray and of concrete, while the floor was carpeted (a gesture to try and make things more homely?), even though the rags looked soaked and almost as gray as the walls. He could hear water dripping somewhere. He was standing in the middle of the 'room', feeling the cold seeping through his bones, while the woman with almost white hair had her eyes fixed on him, the knife twirling in her hands. Magnus was aware, that if he'd make any false move, that knife would be buried in his heart.

He looked up at the ceiling and could see the water marks running over it. On his right there was a huge bookshelf, with only five books on its shelves, making it look lonely and abandoned. There were two red (were they red?), faded armchairs and a table with wilted flowers on it. Right in front of him was a wooden desk, about the only thing that didn't look rotten and old in this joint. Valentine was sitting behind it, with Jonathan standing behind his chair. They looked nothing alike, Magnus had to admit, the boy bearing more resemblance to Jocelyn and Clary. But when he caught Jonathan's eyes, he couldn't deny it - those eyes were just as cold and merciless as his father's were. Maybe even angrier.

"Nice place. You rent it out for tourists? You should. They love that sort of thing - one night inside a drug den, see if you can make it. Like an escape room, or something." Magnus said, brushing the dust off his jacket and eyed the man behind the desk on his chair. Valentine wasn't even looking at him, his eyes were fixed on the papers in front of him. Arita moved in the shadow of the pillar she had been leaning onto, the knife coming to a halt in her hand. Valentine raised his own hand, and Magnus whistled. "That's right. Stay." he said, smiling at the woman, who didn't flinch, but her eyes changed - they betrayed anger and irritation. Magnus felt good about that. "Enough. Come here, Bane." Valentine said, gesturing for him to come closer. "I'm good here, thanks." Magnus said, taking only one step ahead. Valentine finally raised his gaze towards him.

Those eyes met Magnus's and the man felt very vulnerable all of a sudden. At least he had his gun and knife. Although it wouldn't do him much good. Jonathan eyed him, the gaze boring into him and Magnus was pretty sure that if looks could kill, he'd be so far in hell, he'd be having dinner with Hades. "Always a smart-ass." Valentine mumbled, his lips curving into a cruel smile. Magnus shrugged. "Alright. Jonathan here has explained himself to me and I want you to know, that I thank you for the information, but don't you try and undermine him. He's my son and I am the one who punishes him. And I hate snitches." the bald man stated, his tone warning. Magnus stared at the boy, thinking fast. So, daddy dearest didn't expel Jonathan. He still cared form him, unlike Hodge had said. Maybe this was something they could use. He nodded curtly, knowing better than to argue. He could hear Arita shuffle in her spot impatiently. Magnus allowed himself to smile.

"About the Lightwoods and the warehouse... or armory, more like it. You did good." Valentine said now, giving him a smile. Magnus didn't try to act like he felt anything but disgust, but his words didn't reflect his expressions. "Yeah, well. They would've killed me, if it weren't for their stupid feud with you so... really, I owe you." he said, knowing that this would only please Valentine. He loved having people in his debt. The man had his signature smirk on, while Jonathan shuffled, leaning over him. "Father, I'm not sure..." he started, but Valentine raised his hand. "Enough. I am the one in charge here, or are you forgetting that? After your slip up, I suggest you keep your mouth shut, son or no son." Valentine said coldly, his eyes not leaving Magnus's. Jonathan straightened up and his face was expressionless, but his eyes were fixed on Magnus now. He could almost feel the deadly daggers thrown at him.

"Now. What next, huh? Well, I'm gonna need you to report to me about the Lightwoods. Every little detail. What they know about me, if they know about my operations and so on. Also, I'm gonna need the locations of their safe-houses." Valentine then said, moving to put his feet on the table. Magnus hid his panic behind the well practiced mask of indifference. "That'll take some time." he said and Valentine gave him a smug smile. "Well, then you better get to it. What are their orders for you?" he asked and Magnus gave him an arrogant smile. "Just to be back by sundown, they would never dare to wire me, so they have no clue where I am. You checked me before I came in here, so you know that. So, should you keep me here longer, they'd know somethings up. Also, for the safe-houses, I'm gonna need the IT guy. He'd in charge of everything high-tech, I'd have no idea what or how to get those locations." Magnus stated now, examining his nails. That wasn't complete truth. He just wanted to buy some time.

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