Chapter seven

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A/N: I advise You to listen to the song attached above before or while reading this. :)x

It was still dusk when they drove through the city, where the night life was just starting to come to life. The top of the car was down and wind blew through their hair. Magnus turned the radio on. A smooth guitar started playing and they drove in silence for a minute, Magnus was listening to the lyrics. 

And if you like midnight driving with the windows down
And if you like going places we can't even pronounce
If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about
Baby, you're perfect

Magnus glanced at Alec. He looked dark and handsome in the night light, his hazel eyes looking straight ahead and his muscular arm on the side of the car, tapping to the rhythm of the song. Magnus smiled and said "So, what would you like to do?" Alec thought for a moment and said "I don't even know. I mean, there are many things I've never done." Magnus replied "Since you're not very familiar with a rebellious life, let me start. Small steps, right?" Alec seemed wary again and Magnus laughed. "I'm not making you murder someone, chill. It's going to be fun." Alec mumbled something but Magnus didn't catch it due to the wind so he asked "What was that?" Alec looked at him and Magnus felt his eyes on him, almost burning "I trust you. I don't know why, but I do." Magnus quickly looked at him but Alec was already staring ahead again. 

Magnus felt a jolt of happiness. He pulled up to a park and he said to Alec "Wait here. I'll be 5 minutes." He jogged across the street to a little supermarket, where he picked up some bread. Then he came back. "Here." he handed the bread to Alec, who looked utterly confused "Um, if you wanted to take me to dinner, I'd prefer Chinese." Magnus laughed and said "I'll keep that in mind. Come on." He took Alec's hand and dragged him to the park. The hunters hand felt warm in his and it sent a tingle down his own spine. "Is this the part where you murder me?" Alec asked with amusement. "I couldn't take you down even if I wanted to. I mean, have you seen your abs? You'd probably have me down on the ground in a matter of seconds." Magnus let go of his hand just as they reached the pond. Alec was blushing and Magnus found it oddly endearing.

Magnus glanced at the pond and said "Perfect." Alec looked around in confusion. "What?" he asked. Magnus gestured at the pond, where about 10 ducks were peacefully drifting around. Alec looked at the pond and then the bread. The he asked "You took me here to feed the ducks?". He seemed disappointed. Magnus smiled and pointed to a sign behind him. Alec looked at it and then at the pond. Then at the sign again and again at Magnus. He was smiling. Magnus smiled and said "You're not allowed to feed ducks here. At least, that's what the sign says. What do you say?" Alec smirked and replied with a twinkle in his eyes "I say we feed the ducks." Magnus laughed and took some of the bread, tossing it to the pond. The ducks immediately came swimming towards them. Alec threw the bread, smiling and said "Jace is afraid of ducks." Magnus was surprised at this and said "Who in their right mind is afraid of ducks? They're cute." Alec shrugged his shoulders and threw the last of the bread. He turned to Magnus and asked "What's next?". Alec felt more alive than he had in ages - and they had only fed ducks, for christ sake.

Magnus clapped his hands together and said "Back to the car." They returned to their vehicle and Magnus once again drove. He put the music on full blast and sang along, while Alec laughed at the drivers seat. Magnus pulled up to an art exhibition that was surprisingly still open. He read the poster next to the door. 'Night exhibition of the students of NYADA' he read out lout. Alec looked at him with a dubious expression, but Magnus took his hand and led them inside. Alec was getting used to Magnus holding his hand. There were a few guests here and there and a few guards. They went into a room where there were a few paintings on the wall and one large one, behind a red rope. There was a plaque in front of it that said 'no photographs' and 'please don't touch!'. Magnus dragged Alec closer and Alec tried not to laugh when he said "Magnus, we can't do that, there are guards..." Magnus smiled and turned to him "Oh come on. You and I both know were faster than those guys. I mean, one of them could be my grandpa." Alec tried to resist but in the end he gave in, letting Magnus drag him to the rope. Magnus took out his phone and said to Alec "Go on, touch it." Alec smirked and replied "No need to be that forward." Magnus felt himself blush as he rolled his eyes, saying "I meant the painting, idiot. Go on." They both crossed the rope and Alec put his finger to the painting while Magnus snapped a picture with flash on. 

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