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Defusing The Tensions


"Okay, so what exactly is this? A Soviet trust exercise or something? Ropes course? Trust falls? Can't imagine it's worth driving us all the way out to-wherever we are" Justin speculated as he glanced at the frosted view of fallen snow and towering bare trees that hugged the car they were in so rigorously. Alaska, on the other hand, kept to herself and shuffled in her seat uneasily, her gut instincts indicating to her that the infamous coach that sat behind the wheel of the car had a distinctive plan in mind, one the skater had a feeling she wouldn't particularly enjoy.   

"I want both of you to share what is it that is bothering you two about each other" Dasha turned towards the two that shared the back seats in an uncomfortable silence as soon as the tires screeched and came to an absolute halt. 

"Are we really doing marriage counseling right now"? Alaska shook her head skeptically, the idea of sharing any sort of opinion with the blond, even if it was her own opinion of him, seeming far from desirable to her.

"For once, I agree. This is stupid" Justin crossed his arms in protest as he leaned further into his seat, the idea not seeming to land well with him either.

"Don't argue with me on this" Dasha viewed them through the car mirror with an intimidating glare, knowing that until the tension between them didn't alleviate, training would be a challenge for all parties involved "Alaska, you begin".

"Ladies first, huh"? The girl emitted as she clasped her hands together, as though preparing for the words that were to come out, before averting her gaze to Justin "Well, I have to skate with an entitled asshole who thinks about no one but himself, I am truly overjoyed" She spread a phoney grin across her face, speaking in third language in an attempt to inflame the blond that stared at her with a creased forehead.

"And what's your response, Justin"? Dasha turned the attention to the pair skater, who had his mouth open ajar, as though he had just heard of the girl's opinion of him for the first time "Fuck you"! He scorned at the brunette that sat beside him with a satisfied smirk.

"Fuck me? You wish" The newcomer tilted her head with a mocking smile, earning an eye roll from the blond, who for once, had a hard time finding her joke entertaining.

"Language"! Dasha warned the duo as their conversation only grew more heated.

"I don't get you, you know? I'm starting to think you're just constantly on your period" Justin tilted his head back at Alaska, copying her mannerisms tauntingly as she let out a shocked huff.

"Oh, you did not just say that"! The girl felt her fury awaken as the heat traveled within her body, spreading across her youthful cheeks in a form of crimson red.

"Yes Justin, you did not just say that" The coach shook her head in disbelief as she connected her gaze with her long term student, who looked at her helplessly, as though offended that she didn't choose his side, but also, as though he realized by the girl's reaction, that he indeed crossed the line.

"If anyone's on their period, it's you, you horny bitch"! Alaska pointed her finger at Justin, nearly reaching his chest, as he let out a irritated huff.

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