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Our Weaknesses


The exhausted duo entered their apartment, not exchanging a word, as Alaska let out a once confined sigh. She found her eyes faltering slowly as she ambled deeper into the empty, barely unpacked space she had to call her home. She refused to say anything to her mother throughout the ride back, even though there were so many unspoken things left between them, things she knew would eventually overflow out of her and shatter any hope of their relationship ever returning to its glory. 

"Giving me the silent treatment again"? Charlotte uttered as Alaska turned around to face her, her hands curling into fists, and though anger was one of the many emotions she felt that day, that very moment, all she yearned for was sleep, and her mother could see it, by her slouched back and the soft roll of her eyes. She was angry, that was for sure, but not at the events of the night, but rather, and the fact her mother was stopping her from getting her required sleep "I know you hate me right now, but I really do believe you and Justin could do well, I'm sure you'll get along with time" She continued as she gave her daughter a soft smile, ignoring everything that happened throughout the dinner, how pressuring and toxic she was with her methods.

Alaska had accepted her future with Justin, but the moment her mother's mouth spilled with the words of her fault, the girl couldn't take it. Suddenly, it was as though all of her senses awoke all at once, her muscles not as tired anymore, her blood speeding through her veins in attempt to supply enough assistance to the brisk beating of her heart. 

"As if you know anything about partnership! What you did out there? That was not it"! Alaska crossed her arms as she let out a loud, disappointed huff.  

"Come on, don't be so harsh on me, I was only doing it for you" Charlotte attempted to soothe her daughter, her convincing voice making the girl realize that her mother truly believed her own words. 

"As if! This was never about me, it was about you and your bullshit. You know why no one loves you mom? Why you've got no friends, no lovers, no children who actually stick around? Because all you care about is your damn self! Alaska shouted as she pointed her finger at Charlotte "And you know what? I'm not going to be apart of it anymore, I'm sick and tired of this" She announced, before turning around swiftly and rushing into her vacant, foreign room. She grabbed her necessary belongings and shoved them in her suitcase, her thoughts in an endless race for victory.

"What do you think you're doing?! Where are you gonna go"?! Her mother exclaimed, as though not in mockery, but true concern. Her heart threatened to burst out of her chest at the thought of her daughter leaving and reaching the unknown. That was her weakness, and her daughter knew that.

"Anywhere but here and your crap" Alaska spilled as she grabbed her suitcase and rushed past her mom, escaping out of her attempt of a grasp "I'm taking the car".

"No honey, wait, I'm sorry. Please don't do this, don't leave" Charlotte begged her daughter as she grabbed onto her hand, that time, truly with care, her heart breaking apart at the seams. 

"You said I needed a break from my past life, that includes a break from you" Alaska announced as she ushered herself out of the apartment, her distressed mother ensuing her. 

"Alaska please, you can't do this to me. You know I can't handle it, not again"! Her mother pleaded as she stopped in her tracks, knowing that running after Alaska wouldn't be the way to reach her heart. 

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