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Calling A Truce


"This meatloaf looks like my insides" Alaska scrunched her nose in disgust as she looked at the meal in front of her. Frankly, the dinner was fine, it was the blond who ordered it for her that she wanted to irritate with her sarcasm, which only seemed more absurd, the fact she was out in a diner with Justin in broad daylight, out of her own will. In her defense, she was hungry and cold, he offered to pay.

"Looks don't matter baby" Justin smirked as he poked his meal with a fork, before pleasurably taking a bite out of it. 

"They say size doesn't matter either, makes sense why all the rumors about you are true then" Alaska rolled her head back teasingly. Making fun of Justin had turned into practically a routine for her, and she was enjoying it a lot more than she wanted to admit. It was less about tormenting her partner at that point, but more about earning a chuckle, or a joke in return from him. 

"What"?! The notorious blond almost choked on his food as he moved in his seat awkwardly, wondering what it was that the girl heard from all the rumors that spread about him, some which were false, some which were true. 

"I'm joking" Alaska let out a soft chuckle as she clapped atop her knee "No need to get your panties in a bunch, Davis" She pursed her lips together proudly as she started into his eyes, earning an eye roll in return, though it wasn't a tense one he usually offered her in return, but rather, one of relief, of jests between friends. 

"With you, I just can't tell" Justin shook his head as he gazed at the mystifying girl he was struggling to figure out.

"Trust me, no one can. Even I can't sometimes" Alaska shrugged her shoulders as she looked down at her food and for a moment, descended deep into her thoughts. She sensed their conversation was nothing but harmless fun, yet she couldn't help but think to herself that it wasn't far from the truth, for there was no soul who truly knew who Alaska was, who was capable of containing all of her. She knew that, because even she was unable to achieve it. She pushed away the fractions she greatly hoped weren't real further away from her, fractions she wasn't ready to face, the same fractions Dasha subconsciously told her to bring back for her skating programs.

Justin studied her for a moment and assumed by the way she moved the fork around her plate monotonously, that she was indeed, sunken deep within her mind. He couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking about, wishing to be apart of her thoughts for a single moment in an attempt to get a glimpse of who she really was. He had a feeling there was more to the brunette than just her words and demeanor, but he wondered if he'd ever get close enough to find out. 

"I can't believe we're doing this instead of training" Alaska shook her head dismissively, before lifting her head up to face the blond. There was a piece of her that was thankful for the break she had gotten, something she knew she would never receive with her mother, but part of her found the new way of things to be bizarre, and going a day without wearing her skates seemed like a day wasted to her.

"What, you'd rather be screaming at me at the rink"? Her partner tilted his head to the side with a raised brow while visualizing a training session of theirs had they stayed in the rink and hadn't gotten in the car with Dasha that day. Though his coach's idea seemed pointless to him at first, he couldn't deny that the duo were at much better terms than they were at the beginning of the day. Even if they cheated, the action still brought them together, and Dasha's ultimate plan had worked, in one way, or another.

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