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Sound Of Betrayal 


The tranquil chime of the birds nestled in her ears as she leaned against the counter, her hand clinging onto the kitchen knife firmly as she prepared her breakfast for the day "On a scale of one to ten, how hammered are you"? Alaska sent a question over to the girl on the other side of the phone, the one who had deliberately spent her night out at the bar, as opposed to Alaska, who was intent on staying as sober as she could, for the sake of her training, and spent the night soundly asleep, or at least, as soundly as she could sleep. 

The brunette couldn't deny that Jenn's behavior worried her. It surely wasn't beneficial for her skating, or her welfare in the long run, but Alaska didn't do much to change the way of things, for with the amount of pain the single skater withstood on a day to day basis with her injury, she needed that outlet more than anyone else, if it could ever be justifiable.

"Definitely fifteen" Jenn groaned, the smack of her palm against her forehead, one of remorse and discomfort, transferring through the call "Thank god there's no skating for me today" She let a deep sigh loose, her day off the ice, though composed of many other classes, appearing as a gift. 

"So, I take it partying with Justin went well last night"? Alaska queried, finding herself not only trying to spark a conversation with the preparing girl on the other end of the call, but also, curious as to how things went.

"Well, until you came along and Justin ran after you, that is" Jenn whined through the phone, knowing nothing was going on between the two by the deadly glare she received each time she brought the subject up with Alaska, but feeling distressed at the thought regardless, for each time, it seemed as though she was so close to Justin, but yet, so very far. 

"What do you mean"? The newcomer raised both her brows, the expression of pure puzzlement commanding all of her features at once "Didn't he return"?

"No, I thought you left together or something" Jenn murmured, the perplexity of it all taking longer to reach her "His car wasn't there when I left".

"Wait, what"? Alaska instantaneously furrowed her brows, before softening her features and taking a step back, as though it didn't take but a second until all pieces fit together and the whereabouts of the car, or the person who had driven it, gained their speed on her.  

The knife she held in her hand landed by her feet, by luck, missing the opportunity for a bed-bound accident. The tension grew in her limbs, crashing her as a whole, visualizing the events of the previous night, those where her partner got behind the wheel of the car in his intoxicated state. The notion of it accelerated within her head, a gasp praying for more oxygen escaping out of her mouth as she battled the hurricane that swirled within her. 

"He didn't drive, did he"? Jenn questioned as the realization striked her, but no voice answered, for the brunette was long gone, rushing her way down the stairs, all so she could make sure he was okay, all so she could make sure, history didn't repeat itself, and that it wasn't her fault all over again. 


When Alaska saw his definitive, apathetic gestures, those consisting of a palm that rested on his hip, while the other, nonchalantly leaned against the door frame, she felt the relief waver over her. She was sure she would pull him into her arms, embrace him with all of her worries, but instead, she felt herself tense up again, the fury she had known so well guarding her well formed heart, conquering all stillness. 

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