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Hit & Run


"So, how do I look"!? The newcomer, much like her mother, barged into the spare room without giving the muddled brunette that resided within it a considerate warning. It was an action she couldn't acknowledge resembled her mother's, for she didn't do it often, especially considering it was only Charlotte who shared a home with her and she would never come close to entering her room without a notice, but with Kat around, Alaska felt a lot more loose, as though she had taken a step closer to her old self again. She no longer felt the need to lock up in her room and remain there for as long as possible, she had the other skater to talk to, and even if they never reached the true depths of their wounds, their conversations were more than enough for Alaska.

"Gorgeous, why? Where are you going"? Kat peeked at the stubborn girl's outfit, before slanting her head to the side with an inquisitive eyebrow raise. In her time knowing the pair skater, she never witnessed her so dressed up before. She had her hair down neatly, with a dress that hugged her in the waist, before flaring out into a flattering pouf. She had gotten used to the newcomer's easygoing style, and the independent attire she wore that day made Kat wonder all the more about Alaska's future whereabouts.

"Justin's having a thing" Alaska declared as she waved her arms around, not feeling the need to further explain the circumstance, for she knew it didn't take a lot of thinking to pinpoint what Justin was up to in the evenings, especially not to someone who had known him for years like Kat. 

"Usually your jokes have a punchline, but I'm not feeling this one" Kat shook her head disdainfully, the idea of the hatefilled partners staying in the same room for longer than five minutes out of their own will seeming absurd to her.

"I know how insane this sounds, but we're on a truce and If I want to keep it that way, I have to go. He promised me he'd show up to training on time, but honestly it's probably best I go there to supervise him anyways" Alaska shrugged her shoulders. As much as she wanted to trust the blond and believe his words, she didn't, not fully anyways. She strongly doubted he'd be able to hold himself back if someone provided him with a tempting offer. 

"You're serious"? Kat tilted her head, before shaking it afresh, as though to reset her thought process and obtain the new information she was given "Just don't tell me you dressed up for him".

"Hell no! I dressed for me and only me" Alaska twirled in her spot sweetly, the dress she never thought she would get to wear following her movement vigorously, before returning back to hugging her body "What about you? What are you wearing to your little date with Marcus"?

"It's not a date" Kat scrunched her nose, as though she hadn't even thought of the notion the newcomer brought into the air "Wait, is it? How would you even know"?

"A little bird whispered to me" Alaska swayed in her spot innocently, before pausing in her place once the thought cemented in her brain "Or more like, I whispered to the little bird".

"You know what? I won't even ask what you were up to today" Kat sunk further in her seat, feeling as though it was best Alaska's teasing secrets remained nothing but exactly that, teasing secrets "Don't worry about me, I'll figure it out. You go deal with Justin". 

"Have fun, stay safe" Alaska conveyed a wink to Kat, before closing the door behind her, earning an eye roll and a faint chuckle from the other brunette she wouldn't get to see "Yeah, you too". 

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