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The fiery brunette pulled her boundaries in as the pace of her spin increased ferociously. Her palms clung onto her leg as she fixated all of her awareness on her center, whilst conserving her strength, before drawing out of the seated rotation with much elegance, earning the mellow sound of applause from her scandalous partner. 

"Bravo, Myers, you're doing good" Justin acclaimed as he latched the arena gate shut and joined his partner on the glacier surface.

"It's just a spin, but good morning to you too" The brunette sighed of the concerns hidden deep beneath the surface of her soul, ones she would never share with the blond that stood merrily in front of her. 

"Who said anything about a good morning"? Justin let out a burdened sigh of his own, as though he himself wasn't at his finest. 

"Good point" She trailed her feet with her gaze as she glided over to Justin "What's with the stupid shirt"? Alaska motioned her hands towards the jumper her partner was wearing. A single, daring sentence was soiled across it 'Ask me how to keep Pinecrest wild', alongside the illustration of a skier. She raised her brow inquisitively as she attempted to think of the purpose of the shirt. 

"The annual Davis family fundraiser. The money raised goes to preserve wildlife and protect this mountain against developers, except for my dad, of course" The blond disclosed the definition cheerfully, a sense of pride emitting from him. 

"You had me in the first half, not gonna lie" Alaska let out a chortle. She hardly anticipated Justin to have a heart of gold when it came to the essence nature had to offer and although his father was kind to her, she had a difficult time telling whether he was genuinely nice, or was attempting to tame her and make sure she would continue to bear the title of his son's partner. There was no doubt, that his family was one filled with business, and perhaps that fundraiser was apart of nothing but a strategy.

"You like this shirt? Mandy also made us matching hats. God, she bugs me" He let out an exasperated sigh as his hands rested on his hips confidently.

"Well, I think she's great. Having to deal with the drama queen that is Justin Davis? That's one thing in common we already have" The newcomer smirked at her partner. She couldn't tell why he would have an issue with Mandy, seeing as she seemed extremely kind and had such an auspicious aura to her, but she could only assume it was because she married his father. Alaska didn't know much about Justin's mother, but it didn't take much to connect the dots and realize she was no longer in his life, for one reason or another. 

"Let's just skate" Justin advised as he looked down at the ice beneath them, as though getting lost in his thoughts for a moment. 

"Wouldn't be here with you if it wasn't for skating" The female rolled her eyes, even though things with Justin weren't as bad as she made them seem. At that point, it had turned into nothing but an act on her side "Dasha wants us to work on the opening of Romeo and Juliet, smooth out our strokes into the triple twist, you know, all that shit". 

 "And remember, Dorogaya" The blond mimicked his coach as he pointed at his partner "You are in love". 

"I'm in love and the earth is flat, got you" Alaska remarked as she took the precise stance, preparing for the routine to come, feeling her stomach knot up at the thought of it. She knew she was in no sound mind to train, but had no option but to do so, for the treacherous sport was her life, and even on her bad days, she had to brace right through the hardships. 

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