T w e n t y - N i n e

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Truth Be Told


Her sunglasses played the part of the perfect distraction as she banged on the heavy door, no remorse or hesitance in her mind as there usually would be. She was far beyond the point of caring about the meaningless reactions of others. She wanted to be in and out of there as fast as possible, return to where she felt safe, isolated from all else.

Opened the door a woman she had not communicated with much, only heard stories about. Carol Baker, Kat's mother. She was famed for many things; some knew her as a talented skater that experienced defeat, others as a mad mother of two. Alaska didn't give the noted character a chance to speak and start a small talk as she anticipated she would, simply voiced her request with much boldness.

"Can I see her"? She pursed her lips together and tipped her head to the side, watched how Carol's lips trembled hesitantly, as though in an attempt to decipher a plan to make the pair skater turn back. 

"She's still asleep, s-she needs some rest" Carol insisted, definitely attempting to send Alaska away, an action that only made her sink into the ground bellow deeper, eyes filling with determination.  

"Yeah"? Alaska grinned with the telling of deceit, before pulling her phone out of her pocket, where a notification from non other than the single skater shone for both to see "What does this mean then"? She pointed towards the text message, one she hadn't bothered to read or respond to, but it was clear to both souls who it was from, the awakened single skater.

"I don't think it's a good idea" The mother expressed her doubt by shaking her head, unhappy with the notion of anyone but Kat's family visiting her at a sensitive time like that. 

"Carol, this is between me and your daughter" Alaska stomped her foot against the hard ground, narrowing her eyes for the mother to see her fearless wrath "Move". 

And though Carol was known for standing her ground and being the talk of the town owing to her bitter words and blind will power, she had witnessed the single skater's short temper far too often at the arena to know when to listen, so she simply moved aside and let Alaska in with a fatigued sigh. 

"Hey Serena" Alaska waved her palm nonchalantly, her threatening demeanor flickering away as she greeted the younger sister, one she mostly knew by stories, or occasional, rare conversations at the infamous rink. She seemed nice enough, greeted Alaska with a smile as she walked through the corridor, one she had been in before in a time when Carol was gone for a family emergency, one she didn't know much about, and only assumed was an excuse for something concealed by the way Kat avoided the strange topic.

The brunette took a deep breathe as she walked towards her friend's room, pictures of youthful joy engraved on the walls around her, hugging her, or choking her, she couldn't tell.

"Kat" She started blankly as the friend lifted her head up from her bed, no doubt still dazed due to everything that happened. She wasn't surprised to see Alaska there, she just, stared at her, as though waiting for her to say the things she rightfully came to "Alaska" She simply mumbled, feeling far too odd to do anything more but acknowledge her inevitable presence.

"So, pneumonia, huh"? Alaska examined her own hand, bringing up the diagnosis Carol had made up, an excuse for everyone that did not know of Kat's secret as to why she was away from the rink "How's that going for you"?

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