T w e n t y - S e v e n

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Falling Apart


The treacherous vehicle slowed down, it's wheels coming to a halt by a local gas station, one that shone amidst the darkness of the night with much glory, as opposed to the gloom that overtook the car and it's occupants, those that communicated with heavy sighs, and minds full of burdening thoughts.

Eventually, an attempt at proper communication was made, but not one that either ashamed souls wanted to hear that night "Words can't even express how disappointed I am in you, Justin" The father leaned into his car seat with much disdain, resting his palms on the wheel from the draining ride home that felt as though it would never end.

"I know" Justin sighed numbly, sinking further into his seat, unable to look his father in the eye, all because he knew how furious he was without even taking a glance at him, and felt far from ready to face the disappointment in his features, the way he inevitably, always did.

"Do you realize how much trouble you got yourself in? Not to mention, dragging Alaska down with you"? James uttered unbelievably, partially unable to comprehend the events that unfolded under his nose "You've really crossed a line this time" He lowered his tone, detached any of his emotions, as though to enhance the fact his son was in big trouble.

Alaska sat in the backseat uncomfortably, her knees bouncing at the rough sight in front of her, a bond broken, all because of her. James seemed rather serious, more serious than she had ever seen him. She had no idea why Justin didn't stand up for himself, protect his worth, but she knew she was not going to let their relationship dwindle, so she raised her voice and spoke out loud "It's not his fault".

"Don't protect him, Alaska" James connected his incensed gaze with hers through the rearview, anticipating someone such as Alaska to stand up to him, especially after the amount of time spent with his son "This is between me and my son".

"No, sir, it's not" She raised her chin boldly, knowing she was about to bury a deeper grave for herself "I was the one who hosted the party, who invited Justin. The fight started because of my reckless behavior. If it wasn't for me, he would be out of trouble" She breathed deeply in an attempt to maintain her stability, connecting her gaze with Justin, who widened his eyes at the telling of her lies.

"I don't believe that" The father shook his head, darting his gaze between the two skaters while the brunette leaned forward in her seat, tightening her jaw, all so her partner would notice the signs of her ruthless determination and stay clear off her path. 

"But it's the truth"! Alaska insisted desperately, catching the attention of the muddled parent, not letting Justin have a moment to tackle her words "The party was at my house! It was my responsibility, but I was intoxicated, and didn't think straight. Justin was just trying to help" Her gaze lowered to her knees shamefully. And sure, she had lied for the most part and attempted to pull an act, there was no doubt she felt guilty for ever putting Justin through the gruesome journey. 

James studied Alaska's features fleetingly as his son sat in silence that spoke volumes. He accepted the information against his will, and rubbed his forehead at the thought of the new revelation that brought nothing but anguish to him. 

He turned back in his seat and observed the view of the gas station they parked by, as though lost in thought, before letting a vacant exhale out and bringing the pair's attention back to him "You two spend too much time with each other" He affirmed with a head shake, the skating duo watching him as he let another hesitant sigh out "You're not going to Sectionals".

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