The Great British Baking Show ft The Art Freaks

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Janis and Damian are nowhere close to being British, though Janis solemnly swears that her grandmother was King George. Damian can make a decent cake, while Janis burns everything she touches, including water. So, when Janis announced that she would be part of the Great British Baking Show, everyone was shocked.

"Are you serious?" Cady asked in disbelief. Janis nodded eagerly, bouncing like a bunny on Speed. "Yes! They sent me a letter!" She waved it around in front of Cady's face. (Note: I have absolutely no idea how one finds out that they are part of the show. Just go with it.) Damian placed a hand on her shoulder. "Jan. I know you love trying new things, but baking is most certainly not what I had in mind." She was too happy to care. 

"I never win anything! Not even the bingo competition we had in first grade! They said that everyone  was a winner but noooo.  They didn't have enough prizes, so what did they do? They said, 'Miss Starksian, please accept this eraser! An eraser!" Janis folded her arms angrily and blew a strand of dyed hair out of her face. "Everyone else got candy and a windup toy. They didn't even realize that they pronounced my name wrong!"

She harrumphed dramatically. "I say we let her do it." Aaron voiced. Damian's mouth flopped like a fish. "Okay." He said. "But I'm going with you." The grin Janis was wearing nearly split her face in half. "YAY!" She ran out of the room, waving her letter as if she had just been accepted to Hogwarts. Cady sighed and patted Damian on the head. "I'm sorry for the loss of your sanity."He groaned. "I already regret this."


"Oh my God Damian!" Janis screeched, face pressed to the window of the plane. "I see London!" Damian grinned. "Jan, that's Virginia. We haven't left the U.S yet." Her shoulders slumped. "Oh." She frowned. "Will we be there soon?" He smacked the palm of his hand against his forehead in response. 


"Damiaaaaaaann." "What, Janis?" She pushed his shoulder. "I'm booooored." "Find something to do." He responded, turning the next page of Lord of the Flies. "I have nothing to do." She said. He sighed. "Go to sleep." Janis grimaced. "Sleep is for the weak." Nonetheless, she still curled into a ball against the seat and closed her eyes. 


"I. Am. Bored. So bored. Very bored. Extremely bored. Bored out of my skull." Janis began kicking the seat in front of her. Each kick was punctuated with a "bored". She continued this until the person sitting there turned to face her. She had blonde, curly hair that was tied with a red scrunchy. In fact, all of her clothes were red. "Hope you brought kneepads, beach." She spat. After that, Janis stopped kicking. 


"Flight 9 and 3/4, now arriving in Berkshire. Welcome to England." Damian shook Janis awake. "Huh? Whozzat?' She mumbled, still half asleep. "We're here." He said, slinging his carryon bag around his shoulders. She grunted and tried to pull her jacket over her eyes. "Noooo." "C'mon Sleepy Mcgee." Janis scrunched further into her jacket. Damian picked her up and carried her down the aisle. 


After the hassle of getting their luggage, the duo got into a car provided by the show. Janis, now fully awake, sipped on a cup of Mountain Dew Red and took in all the sights. "This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen." She said, eyes wider than golf balls. Damian nudged her playfully with his shoulder. "What about Caddy?" She turned red and muttered something about vicious koalas with Louboutin heels. He smirked.


"I love this room!" Janis yelled, throwing herself onto the large bed. "It's so fluffy!" She said, voice muffled by the pillow. Damian threw his suitcase onto the floor and joined her. "Are you ready?" He asked. "To sleep? Yes!" With that, she rolled over and promptly began fake snoring. He shoved her off the bed. That started a pillow fight, which quickly escalated into a full out war. Damian finally called uncle when Janis had him shoved under the bed(don't ask). They were both wheezing with laughter. "Ooh! I should call Caddy." Janis pulled out her phone and punched in the number. "Guess where your favorite space alien is right now!" Damian laughed and dialed Aaron's number. "I am in paradise!" He squealed into the phone. Aaron chuckled. "Didn't realize that paradise was a hotel in Berkshire." Damian fake pouted. "Well, it is. And that's that!"


The next day, Janis was buzzing with nervous energy and excitement. "Everyone here is so British!" She exclaimed, watching a woman eat scones and drink tea whilst talking to a friend about the oncoming torrential downpour. "We're in England, Janis. I would certainly be surprised if they were Australian!" She tried out a British accent. "I say, today is quite a lovely-ack!" Janis had managed to crash into a table and fall into a trash can. "You're a wizard Harry." Damian joked. "Shut up and help me out." Came the reply.


They stood in front of the tent, mouths agape. "I never thought we would be here." Janis said, in awe. "Me neither." Damian replied, wincing as he remembered her last disastrous attempt at baking. Noel appeared out of nowhere. "Welcome, welcome!" He said, smiling. They could do nothing but stare. Janis suddenly flung herself at him, giving him a bone crushing hug. "You are a goth icon." She said. He seemed surprised but hugged her back. "Not every day I hear that." He said, winking at Damian. 

The other contestants arrived and all introductions were made. There was Sherlock, John, Irene, Jim, Molly, Greg, Mary, Mycroft, Mrs. Hudson, and Rosie. They all seemed nice, the exception being Sherlock, who kept to himself and hissed at anyone that came near to him. Then, Paul and Prue stepped out. Another round of greetings were made. Janis was intimidated by Paul, and said as little to him as possible. Sandi was already inside the tent, arranging the ingredients. She hugged all of them, even Sherlock. 

The camera crew entered and began setting up. Preparations were made all around. A woman tried to fix Janis's hair, but she took a page out of Sherlock's book and hissed. People left her alone after that. They were given instructions of what would be happening. Janis and Damian looked over their recipe. It was simple, a favorite of Cady's. Dark Chocolate Dream, a flavor from their local ice cream shop(thank you to majestic-mother-mac  for the inspiration). Soon, the bakers were at their stations, the cameras were in place, Noel and Sandi were wearing knight costumes. Paul gave the thumbs up, and the cameras were rolling.


Needless to say, Janis and Damian were the first ones voted out of the tent. They didn't mind in the least. Janis had dumped salt instead of sugar into their cake. She had burned their technical challenge beyond recognition. She had somehow managed to lose their recipe for the signature and spilled batter all over the floor. They were still happy. As they left, Janis waved at the camera and yelled "Caddy! Are you proud of me?" Damian dragged her away. 

All in all, a not too heinous day.

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