Janis at School

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The morning sun filtered through the half shut blinds, slightly warming the tired students. "Okay!" Mrs. Godfrey said, tapping the board with her ruler. "Who can tell me the significance of Newton's-" Janis's hand shot into the air. "Ooh!" She exclaimed. "Me! Me!" Seemingly confused, Mrs. Godfrey waved her ruler at Janis. Smiling proudly, Janis proclaimed "I have no idea." 

Mrs. Godfrey blinked. Once, twice. "Then... why would you answer the question?" Janis grinned. "You said we needed to participate in class more. However, you didn't say that we need to have the correct answer!" Smugly, Janis leaned back in her chair. "That's my girl." Damian whispered. Cady snorted. 

Sighing, Mrs. Godfrey went to her desk and popped an Aspirin into her mouth. "She swallows them dry!" Damian said with amazement. "I didn't know that was possible!" Cady nodded knowingly. "Janis' mom does that, too." Damian looked at her strangely. He opened his mouth to ask a question, then thought better of it. 

"Alright." Mrs. Godfrey hit the board once more, forcefully. "Who can tell me the significance of-" "ME!"


Janis waved her fork around, spraying bits of pasta. "It's an injustice, I say!" Cady patted her on the shoulder. "Look, Janis. I know you're passionate about rights for hand towels, but nobody else is." Janis frowned. "So? How do you think the Civil Rights Movement, or the Woman's Suffrage Movement started? With everybody caring? No! It took a seed of an idea to begin the process, set the ball rolling. If I want to fight for hand towels, and no one else will, I don't care! I will still FIGHT!" 

With this, Janis tossed all of her utensils into the air. They landed on the ground with a loud clatter. The entire cafeteria stared at their table. Janis blushed. "Oops." She muttered, bending down to gather her silverware. Groaning softly, Cady helped her. "Sorry." Janis said quietly. Cady laughed. "It's okay. I'll fight with you." 

A wide grin split Janis' face in half. She turned to Damian. "What do you say? Want to join us?" He didn't move. She leaned in close to his ear, and whispered, "do it for the towels." He sighed, then hit his fists on the table. "What the heck. I'll join." Janis flung her arms around him, pulling Cady into the hug as well. "Let's go make some posters!"

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