The Play

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Janis and Cady watched the spectacle in front of them with dropped jaws and shining eyes. As Elphaba rose, seemingly unaided, into the air, one thought flittered through both of their minds in the same moment. Now THAT is cool. I wanna do THAT! The context, however, was different. Cady stared at Elphaba, longing to posses her confidence and superiority. She wanted to be her, be that actress who had captured the audience's attention so wonderfully. On her left side, Janis was craning her neck to see the platform Elphaba was standing on. She attempted to soak in all of the special effects: the lights, sound, fog, platform, costumes, and more. She wanted to build a set that truly captured the theme and feel of the moment. She wanted to be behind the scenes, making the magic happen. The girls turned to face each other, grins nearly splitting their faces. Without words, they managed to convey their need for a show, to be a part of something so wondrous and mind-blowing. The after school play.


They navigated the dangerous hall, Cady clinging to Janis' backpack. They let out a collective sigh of relief as they broke through the throng of students. "Here." Janis said, pointing to the sign-up sheet for the musical. Cady dug through her bag, eventually finding a pencil. Tongue poking out in concentration, she signed her name. Janis grabbed the pencil and signed her name in the section below, for crew. They high-fived. "Let's make it happen." 


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Janis whirled around to face the noise. "What the-" Jared was sprinting down the hall, arms windmilling in different directions. His glasses dangled halfway off of his face, and his mouth was open in a wide O. Janis grabbed his arm. "Dude! What is it?" Jared screeched to a halt. He was panting heavily. "There-is a- m-mouse! In the-" He sucked in a loud breath. "Booth!" Janis groaned. "Great. Get Evan to catch it. He's good with animals." Jared shook his head. "Not possible! Evan's crying in the bathroom because he's nervous." Janis clenched the roll of mic tape she was holding tightly. "Then get Connor!" Jared waved his phone in her face. "We tried! No one can find him. It's like he disappeared." Janis' face was turning red. "Fine. Get someone to catch it. Anyone! Also-" Jared was already running away. Janis sighed. 

Jeremy appeared in the office doorway. "Hey." He said, pulling at his green headpiece. "I, um, need my mic." Janis picked up her clipboard. "And you are...?" He scratched his face. "Uh. Shrek." She grabbed the mic from it's pouch. "Okay. Where is my mic tape?" She looked around. "I just had it. Ah, crap." The roll had only a few measly, unusable pieces left. "Best day ever." She poked her head into the hallway. "LYDIA!" The gothic girl materialized, seemingly out of nowhere. "Yes?" Taking it in stride, Janis replied, "Find me some mic tape. Check the dressing rooms, it has to be here somewhere. And make it snappy!" Lydia rolled her eyes and disappeared. Janis leaned against the desk, already exhausted.


Meanwhile, in the dressing room...

"OH MY GOD!" Cady winced and covered her ears, trying to ward off Regina's piercing voice. "There is a zit on my face!" She was leaning in front of the large mirror, poking at her face. "Ugh! It's hideous. I can't go on stage like this!" Cady sighed. "Regina, you are in the ensemble. No one can see your face." Regina continued to fake sob. "Oh! Yes they can, and it will be awful!" Cady rolled her eyes, leaving the acne removal to the drones. She adjusted her wig, hissing when the pins dug into her scalp. "Has anyone seen my makeup?" A girl yelled. "No, have you seen my shoes?" "Where is my hat?" 

Damian burst into the room, carrying a large makeup palate. "Hellooo!" He sang, skipping towards Cady. "You're not supposed to be in here!" A short girl shouted. His eyes widened. "Oh. My. God. Danny Devito! I love your work!" She ran off screaming. Damian plopped down onto the floor next to Cady. "Hey, how's it going?" He asked, assembling his supplies. Butterflies were invading her stomach, fluttering madly. "Not well." She muttered. "I thought I was ready, but I am so anxious right now!" She dropped her head into her hands. Damian rubbed her back soothingly. "It's okay, Cady. Everyone feels this way during their first show, especially when they are playing a main character. Like you! You're Fiona!" Cady groaned. "Don't remind me." He tilted her chin up so they were face to face. "Hey. Everything will be fine. Want to go see how Janis is holding up?" Cady brightened visibly. "Yeah!"


"I DON'T CARE IF CATS ARE NOT YOUR THING, YOU WILL BE THE CAT IN THE HAT. YOU CAN'T FIND YOUR HAT? TOO BAD! GET MICHAEL TO HELP YOU. AND, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SOMEONE FIND ME CHRISTINE!" Janis was screaming at a terrified freshman, whose entire body was trembling. He scurried away, whimpering pitifully. Janis banged her head against the wall. "Hi Janis." Cady said quietly. Janis lifted her head and waved blearily. "Hi." Cady enveloped her in a hug. "You look awful! What happened?" Janis squeezed her tightly. "Everything. Life." Cady laughed. "Well, I might be able to help you. Do you need anything?" Janis sighed. "Honestly? Only you." They stayed like that, merged as one. All was peaceful, until...


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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