chapter one (Ravens POV)

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Pain. Pain like never before shot through my hind leg as I tried to push off the russet fox. I aimed my strikes wildly, while blood dripped into my eyes, making it hard to see. The pain in my hind leg seemed unbearable, but I fought on, thinking about my family. Did willow die for nothing? A voice screamed in my head, reminding me of my only sister, who had been killed by the same fox I was fighting, hardly hours before. The fox had entered me and my family's little home by the river, had started taking prey, and, with the cold seasons coming, trying to kill us.
Starry watched from up in a oak as I fought the hungry fox, my blows getting weaker and weaker. At last, my only living littermate jumped, landing on top of the fox. The moment of surprise the fox showed gave me enough time for me to clamp my jaws onto its tail. The russet animal whined in pain, but showed no sign of backing down. He's hungry. I realized, stating the obvious. hungry enough to try and eat cats! I sunk my teeth into the foxes forearm. It yowled in shock, and shook me off, racing away. I glanced at starry, relived to see she was not hurt badly.
The little she cat stared back, her eyes wide in shock, "Raven... Your hurt! We must get you back to Mouse ear right away!" I just nodded wearily, to tired to agure. I leaned on starrys shoulder till we came into view of our home. I stood up myself, not wanting our mother, Mouse ear, to think I was to badly hurt.

A yowl of alarm greeted us as we limped through the camp. Mouse ear, our mother, was racing towards us, "Raven, Starry! Your hurt! Come this way..." She murmured, leading us into the reeds by the river. Quickly, she shredded some moss from a tree and dipped it in the water. Pressing it on our wounds, I explained what had happened. "Me and starry where hunting when we saw something moving in a bush. We thought it was prey and chased it. Then, it attacked...." I trailed away, swallowing painfully. Mouse ear was mourning the death of Willow, my sister. We sat in silence for some time, till Mouse ear turned to us, "We're leaving." She choked.

Mouse ear led us through forests and moors, not talking, just walking. On and on and on. At last, she stopped, on the prevences of a Nofur camp. I shuddered as I imagined the huge, pink creatures seeing us and taking Starry and I away from Mouse Ear.
"Starry," she whispered, "come here." Starry stumbled forward, and Mouse ear grazed at her, " my youngest kit," she pressed her muzzel to starrys head, " be nice to your new Nofurs." Horror shown in Starrys eyes, "mama...!" She helped, but Mouse ear had already turned. I bounded up the Nofur steps, pressing my nose into her fur, I tried to supress my horror. " don't worry. I'm sure mama will put us in Nofur nest next to each other." I mewed, trying to be cheerful. Starry just gazed misriblely after Mouse ear. " Raven!" Mouse ear snapped, "come. We're leaving." I bounded down over to her. "But mama? What about Starry, Mama? She can't..." I trailed away as mouse ear gave me A glare, "she'll be fine." She hissed, not even glancing back at Starry. I looked back at the only littermate who survived the fox. There'd been Williow.. The youngest sister I had, killed, by the fox ... And Jay... Who ran away just after father left... And, of course, Oak. He was a weak kit. Died right after birth.
. I dug my claws into the ground.Why is everyone I love.. Leaving?!?! Mouse Ear and I treked away from the Nofur camp, and onto a moor. "Here." Mouse ear meowed, " we will live here." I stared at her in disbelief, "we?!" I snorted. "We left starry behind! Couldn't she just come live with us?!" I spat. Mouse ear stared at me sadly, "Raven, some things you'll never understand." I growled in frustration.
Instead of responding, I bounding off, in search of prey in this barren land.
I limped across the field, muttering under my breath. My leg was hurting, but not as much as leaving Starry.
Sudennly, a rabbit shot out of a bush. I gave chase. My leg throbbed and started bleeding agian, but I raced on. When I was about a tail- length away, I jumped. Killing the rabbit neatly, I padded back to Mouse ear.
We shared the rabbit in silence, watching the sky change from blue to orange. I sighed. Closing my eyes, I drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

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