One Year

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A/N: GUYS THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR 1K READS (and also 50 votes)! It truly means a lot to me, I'm soooooooooooo happy!!!

One Year.

That's how long its been since Shido made the promise to Kurumi, to never forget her, to seek her out on the one day that the universe does not forbid them to be together. As he got out of his bed, Shido vividly recalled his memory of that day, it seemed almost surreal to him. 

"Why would Kurumi allow this," he thought aloud, "Why would she allow herself to go on a date with me and then tear her apart from me so quickly and forcefully?". 

"Is she that adamant about completing her goal, enforcing 100% productivity amongst her clones and killing them when they don't follow through with her?". 

However the answers to these questions would be hard to come by, Shido knew it would be hard to understand, he didn't know if it was possible for himself to understand. But he did know that Kurumi was different from the other spirits he encountered, She really was a one-of-a-kind person who never really expressed a single kind of personality he's seen in the other spirits. 

Brushing these thoughts aside, Shido got up, changed and walked down to his kitchen to start cooking. As he was preparing breakfast for the other spirits, his brain constantly traced back to the questions he had asked himself, he then shook his head clearing his mind of these questions, it would be pointless to dwell on them now. 

As Shido was almost finished cooking breakfast, he heard a knock on the door, when he opened it, it revealed the spirits that he sealed: Tohka, Yoshino, Kaguya and Yuzuru and Natsumi. 

"Good morning girls, did you sleep well?" Shido asked as he let them in. 

"Affirmative, yes I did sleep well even with Kaguya's snoring" Yuzuru replied.

"Hey! I don't snore, you're making stuff up!" Kaguya retaliated.

"That's fine, Shido snores as well," Kotori said as she walked out of her bedroom, still in her pyjamas. "You'll get used to it after a while, trust me,"

 "Huh Kotori, I thought you were negotiating the cleanup of the club, shouldn't you be over there?" Shido questioned. 

The Tengu luxury club was completely flattened last month when Shido's spirit power suddenly burst out of control and, for a change, the spirits had to save him from going completely berserk. 

"Nah Reine insisted on going so I couldn't stop her, anyway, let's go eat breakfast, you guys!"

Tohka suddenly started jumping up and down, "Yay, breakfast!" she shouted as she raced to the dining room, her enthusiasm for food always put a smile on Shido's face. "I hope you cooked hotcakes!", Shido nodded tentatively.

As they were eating breakfast, Shido got a text from Tonomachi, asking him if he wanted to see Miku's Tanabata performance, saying that he might get to see Shiori and that he needed a wingman so he could ask her out on a date. 

Shido sighed under his breath "If only you knew, Tonomachi" while he texted that he couldn't come as he was busy taking care of Kotori. But Shido knew that he had something else to do today. 

After breakfast, while washing up Shido kept thinking of Kurumi, will she be here today? What will she do when she kills herself again? Shido couldn't help but feel worried about her, he didn't want anything bad to happen to her, after all, this was her only day with Shido for a whole year. Shido felt obliged that he couldn't mess it up, for Kurumi's sake. 

Shido felt so helpless as he recounted the memory of Kurumi being sucked into the shadow as he tried but failed to save her. 

"No," Shido said to himself "I'm not going to let that happen today, I'm not going to let her suffer, even if she's doing it to herself. Every spirit deserves to be happy and to live a normal life no matter if she's pure or a clone," But even Shido knew that saving Kurumi would be impossible, but he had to try, try to protect her. 

"I'm not going to let anything get between her day with me," He said to himself confidently. 

"Kurumi, let's begin our date"

One Year (Kurumi Tokisaki x Shido) Date A Live (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now