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(Kurumi POV)

Before I opened my eyes, I could already hear waves crashing and I could feel sand beneath me, as my eyes opened, it took a couple of seconds for them to adjust to the bright light but my vision confirmed my other senses.

"A beach huh," 

Getting up from the sand, I looked at my surroundings, the beach extended for what seemed like miles on either side of me. I looked down, the sand was almost as pale as my arm, the waves were just right, not too small, not too large and there was a slight breeze on my face to counteract the heat of the sun.

In summary, it was a perfect day at the beach. No outside noise, simply the noise put out by nature.

While admiring the landscape, I didn't even hear anybody approaching, so when I looked to my right, I was mildly surprised to see a boy and a girl walking down the shore, noting that this was simply a memory that I invaded, I walked up to the pair. 

Upon closer inspection, the boy had dark blue hair, brown eyes and wore a black T-shirt, the only person I knew who wore clothing like this was...


However, I thought to myself, this wasn't Shido, although they looked the same, this boy didn't produce an aura that I could sense, which indicated that this person did not accommodate Reiryoku. This could simply be that this was a younger version of Shido, but that was impossible, Shido looked as old as he was when I invaded his memories. 

Although I didn't know who this Shido impersonater was, I instantly knew who the girl was.


With flowing pale blue hair, a woven sunhat on her head and sporting a light blue dress was the most dangerous spirit ever known, the Spirit of Origin, Mio Takamiya.

With flowing pale blue hair, a woven sunhat on her head and sporting a light blue dress was the most dangerous spirit ever known, the Spirit of Origin, Mio Takamiya

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I could feel anger, no rage, bubbling up inside of me. The exact spirit that indirectly made me kill my best friend was innocently running along with a boy who highly resembled Shido. The sight of the Spirit of Origin was already affronting, let alone seeing her being happy with a boy that was possibly her lover was downright infuriating. 

"Control yourself Kurumi, this is only a memory, there's nothing you can do about it," I repeated in my head.

"For now at least," I added, suddenly grinning, remembering my true mission. 

While examining the couple, I was also attentively listening to their conversation, but nothing they talked about really resonated or was important to me, but something did catch my attention. 

"Shinji, when this situation is all over, will you take me back here, it's such a wonderful place," 

"Shinji," I thought to myself. 

The landscape suddenly faded into darkness and began to take shape of a new surrounding, a small congregation of trees, one could call it a forest. As soon as the landscape materialized in front of me, I could hear gunshots and heavy breathing. 

I looked around and saw Mio and the boy, Shinji, running together, from what appeared to be, a younger Ellen Mira Mathers. Although Ellen wasn't armoured with a realizer suit, she was still holding a pistol, shooting at the pair in hot pursuit. 

The pair were running in my direction, after swiftly turning a corner, but then they stopped directly in front of me, the answer to their sudden interval was right behind me. 

When I turned around, my face of slight fear turned into disgust, the figure standing in front of me was no doubt the highest esteemed founder of Dues Ex Machina Industries, Isaac Westcott. 

"Nowhere to run now, Spirit," 

Pointing what seemed like a prototype pistol at Mio's head, he even smirked a little. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, however, Shinji pushed Mio out of the way and right in the path of the bullet. A loud bang then echoed the surroundings and Shinji fell to the ground.


I was slightly shocked, but Mio looked mortified at the situation, eyes wide and mouth open, she screamed somewhat louder than the former gunshot and ran with immense speed through the greenery in front of her. 

Despite this, Westcott continued to unknowingly grin while Ellen looked confused at his reaction. 

"Ike, why do you continue to smile, the Spirit got away,"

"Well, since we killed her most beloved thing, we could carry out the hypothetical experiment that I formulated,"

"Do you mean that so-called 'Inverse Power'"

"Precisely, if we can get her Sephira crystal to transform into a Qlipha crystal via Inverse, we can use 'Lancelot' to extract it and possibly manipulate it for our use,"

"I see, with that power, we can finally reach our goal,"

Westcott's smile grew. 

"Maybe we can even defeat the machines,"

Suddenly, the world around me faded to darkness, indicating that Yud's time limit was met and I was going to be transported out of the Shido's memories. 

"It doesn't matter, I got the information I was after,"

"Oh, Shido, I'm so sorry,"

A/N: Well, hope you enjoyed this instalment, sorry for the long upload, I was stuck in a bit of writer's block but I'm back now and going to finish the next part (the last part of this fanfiction) soon and it's going to be quite long, I promise you at least that. 

Welp, see you guys soon!

P.S. I'm thinking of starting a Shido X Rinne fanfiction after this is finished, stay tuned for that!

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