The Magic In The Air

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Shido was dumbfounded, he never had feelings for a girl before, so he was completely new to this feeling. 

"Kotori did discourage me from falling for any of the spirits as that would 'inhibit the ability to save spirits' though I do believe that she just wants me to be her older brother forever, what if she-," 

"Hey, Shido should we get something to eat?" Kurumi suggested, breaking Shido's train of thought. 

Kurumi was pointing to a small cafe, showcasing some delicate-looking cakes in the window. It was no wonder that Kurumi would pick a place like this, cake was Kurumi's favourite food after all. 

"Sure thing Kurumi," Shido replied with a slight blush on his face. 

As they entered the cafe, Shido noticed something odd. 

"I've never seen this cafe here before, strange, all the time I've walked to and from the markets and I've never noticed this place before," 

Pushing the thought aside, he and Kurumi looked for a seat, it was quite packed for a small cafe, but they eventually managed to find a cozy spot in the corner. Surprisingly, there wasn't much noise for such a large amount of people, you could almost hear a conversation happening outside. 

As soon as they sat down, a waitress walked over and nonchalantly gave each of them a menu. 

"Please tell me when you're ready to order," The waitress said as she bowed and then walked back to the kitchen. 

The menu was diverse, to say the least. Not only did it contained many different desserts, but it also had almost every sushi roll Shido could think of and what also looked to be Aphrodisiacs? 

"If only Origami was here," Shido thought to himself as he finally on a Dango. 

"Hey, Kurumi have you thought of what you're going to have?" Shido asked her

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"Hey, Kurumi have you thought of what you're going to have?" Shido asked her. 

"MmmHmm," She replied as she showed him a picture of a cupcake in the shape of Hello Kitty. 

"Heh, that looks cute, just like you," The words escaped Shido before he could contain them, suddenly realising his mistake, he blushed furiously.

" Ara Ara, Shido thinks I'm cute?" Kurumi replied, also blushing. 

"N-no that's not-," 

"I'm flattered," Kurumi replied, looking into Shido's eyes and smiling lightly. 

Speechless, Shido was hoping that something would save the situation. Luckily his prayers were answered when the waitress came over and asked for their orders. 

When they got their food, Shido was dumbfounded, his Dango looked straight out of an anime and Kurumi's cupcake looked amazing. 

"Wow, this looks stunning," Shido said, his mouth watering. 

"Yeah it does look pretty," Kurumi replied in agreement. "But this is quite big, I don't know if I can finish it all,"

Kurumi was practically the opposite of Tohka, she barely ate anything, and when she did, it was usually desserts and pastries, hence her undying slimness. 

"Would you like some Shido?" Kurumi asked with anticipation. 

"Uh, are you sure, Kurumi?" 

"Well, don't you want some?" 

"Ok, it does look good," 

"Yay! Can I feed you Shido?"

"If it makes you happy, then sure!" Shido never had a girl feed him like this before. Kurumi smiled as she took a piece of the cupcake off with her spoon and then held the spoon near Shido's mouth. 

"Open wide," She said seductively. 

"Ok ahhhhh," 

What followed was Shido and Kurumi feeding and sharing their food, smiling and blushing as they did. Most of the people in the cafe turned to their table and started to sigh in adoration, as one would when they see a puppy or a kitten. To them, they really did seem like a normal couple. Shido noticed this, but he didn't care at all, all his attention was on Kurumi. He couldn't think, say or do anything besides look and smile at Kurumi. 

After they finished their food, Shido paid the bill and they exited the cafe hand-in-hand. 

"Huh, it looks like it's about to rain, should we run Kurumi?" Shido asked hesitantly. 

"Sure I don't mind,"

The two then started running as it was starting to sprinkle, not too much to make the ground wet, but enough for Shido to feel it. As he was running, Shido felt that he had a lot of energy, didn't seem worn out at all, much like the morning. Kurumi, on the other hand, had much trouble trying to keep up with him. 

"Hey, Shido wait for me!" Kurumi shouted between pants, resting herself on a nearby wall. 

Shido rushed back to Kurumi and quickly apologised. 

"Heh sorry, I got a bit carried away there, I forgot hat you aren't the best at running are you okay?" 

"I'm fine, just need to catch my breath," She replied, still panting. "Just give me a minute,"

After Kurumi regained her breath, they both started jogging towards the planetarium, which was in sight now, holding hands once more, it was not long before they reached it. 

"Yay! We're here!" Kurumi said in triumph, breathing somewhat heavily. Shido was just glad that they made it before a torrent of rain was upon them.  

"Looks like we made it just in time," Shido said to Kurumi as they entered the planetarium just as it started to pour outside.

Before Shido advanced to the box office, he took another look at the forces of mother nature. The rain was so dense and so unexpected, it was almost if Yoshino was behind this tremendous downpour. As he walked back, Kurumi ran to Shido with their tickets. 

"C'mon Shido lets go in!"

As they walked into the cinema room, Shido gazed around at the people sitting near him, they all seemed to be couples, some talking, some texting and some kissing. Shido smiled as he took his seat. Kurumi seemed to notice them as well. 

"They look so happy together, don't you think," Kurumi asked out of the blue. Hinting at the couples around them, not one in particular.

"Yeah, they do," 

"Are you having a good time today Shido?" Kurumi asked, patiently waiting for his answer. 

"As long as you're happy Kurumi, I'm happy, that's the most important thing," Shido said as he interlocked his fingers with hers. 

Noticing this, Kurumi blushed harder than ever before. 

"Shido I-"

Just as she was in the middle of her sentence, she was cut off by the opening of the movie. 

"Oh well," Kurumi thought to herself, frowning slightly, "It's probably better if I don't tell him,"  

"After all, how could he love me after all I've done,"

One Year (Kurumi Tokisaki x Shido) Date A Live (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now