An Old Friend Pt 1

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Shido planned to leave his house at 10 am, he didn't think it was wise to leave his date any later as he did want Kurumi to have more hours worth of memories before she would get sucked up into her dark abyss. Since it was 8 30 am, he had about an hour and a half to think of an excuse to go to the Tanabata Festival surreptitiously without any of the Spirits following him, Shido didn't want any distractions on Kurumi's date.  

Although there were many reasons Shido could be out of the house, he wasn't the best liar,  Ratatoskr usually helped him with that, every time he told a lie to Kotori, he could feel her red pupils staring right into his guilty eyes. Reviewing these thoughts, he didn't think that lying to the other spirits the same way he lied to Kotori would yield better results. 

"I'm doing something wrong, " He thought to himself while reading manga while waiting for time to pass, "Every time I lie, Kotori can tell, every time Kotori lies, she gets away with what she's doing," 

"Maybe I just need to act more casually, I usually carry on justifying myself, so much so, that they can tell I'm lying, I can't see what else I'm doing wrong so I'll just go with that," Shido thought while nodding his head. 

"Okay I only have one chance at this so I better not screw it up," He said to himself confidently. The time was 9 45. 

Shido bookmarked his manga and stepped outside his room, full of confidence and arrogance.  As Shido entered the living room he could see Tohka, Yoshino and Kaguya watching soap opera on TV, completely immersed in it, Yuzuru chatting with Kotori and Natsumi sitting against the far wall, doing some sketch of some sort. After looking around the room, Shido took a deep breath and then announced, casually and with clarity, that he was going to the planetarium to see a movie, then have lunch and go shopping while looking for inspiration for dinner.  

"I'll be back at around sundown, then I can take you guys to hang your Tanzaku's at the Tanabata Festival," He finished.

Tohka looked puzzled "What about our lunch?" she asked tentatively. 

"Since you're VIP's at Miku's performance, you'll get food there," The Tengu Performance Centre was far enough away from the Tanabata Festival that Shido could rest easy, knowing that the spirits would be occupied for most of the day. 

"Ok big brother, but are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Kotori replied. "After all, the envelope she sent the tickets in was addressed to you, she'd be disappointed if you weren't there" 

It'll be fine, I'd rather spend some time alone, after all, it has been quite stressful for me over the past few weeks, now is the perfect time I guess," Shido placed 2 fingers on his chest, right above his heart, "I promise," 

"Ok Shido, see you later!" Tohka exclaimed happily as if she wanted Shido to leave. 

"See you guys," Shido said as he left the living room. While walking down the hallway, Shido felt somewhat proud of himself and a little ashamed of himself for lying to them. 

"Nevermind," he thought to himself as he opened the door. "I have to focus on what's coming" 

As Shido walked out of the house, he suddenly felt full of determination, adrenaline and excitement about what surprises today would bring. 

"Alright, Kurumi, its time to find you,"

One Year (Kurumi Tokisaki x Shido) Date A Live (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now