Part Three

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"Cassie?" said a familiar voice. "Cassie?" said the voice once more? I looked around only to see Jaden standing at the edge of the forest from two years ago. "Are you coming?" asked Jaden and handed me his hand, giving me the look as if he had something planned for me?

I walked up to Jaden and grabbed his hand as he led me on a path through the small forest, to where Jaden had planned to surprise me. We walked through the leaves and branches, past all the flower fields and there it was! "Close your eyes" said Jaden and hurried to cover my eyes. "Here, let me" he said as he grabbed my wrists and moved my hands to cover my eyes.

I heard rustling in the grass as he left me standing by myself and I listened to what sounded like something metallic clinging against each other? Before:

"Tada! open your eyes!" said Jaden and sat down at the most romantic picknick I had ever seen! There was a red and white patterned blanket with candles, plates and chocolate-covered strawberries! I sat down to enjoy what Jaden had prepped and I was just about to lean in for a kiss. When I heard; "Cassie, Cassie, Cassie!?" in the distance.

"Cassie!" I heard once more, only to be awoken from my dream to see Rubie viscously shaking at her cell-door, trying to wake me up.

"You need to wake up! Prune is on his way!" said Rubie and reached her hand through the cell bars and helped me to get up. "Listen! All of you shall stay quiet and respect your overhead!" said the butch security guard from yesterday, "If I see any suspicious activity from either one of you..." said the butch guard but got interrupted by Johnathan Prune.

"How are you children?" asked Prune on an exhale and acted as if he was a god, walking as slow as he could for us to glory the imagery of him in person.

No one replied to his question, not a single soul. The metallic sound of his shoes clicking against the stone floor was to die for! The sound was like small party-poppers continuously popping for each step he took.

"Where's the teen with the large mouth I've been told about?" snapped Prune and turned around to the butch lady for an answer. "This one!" said the butch guard and walked over to Harry's cell, where Prune stood and stared at Harry?

The staring match went on for minutes before Prune started gathering saliva with the most disgusting sounds, he could make with his mouth and spat in Harry's cell. "Filthy Changeling" said Prune and wiped his chin from the splatter of spit, "Don't you have any respect for the overhead?" continued Prune and opened his cell, only to order the guards to take him.

"Hey, don't forget about this one!" yelled one of the other guards and pointed to Rubie's cell! "Ah, another one!" said Prune with a smirk, "Get that one too" he said, just before he clickety clacked away with his shoes up to his office.

"Ok, now get to the cafeteria! We'll have a late breakfast!" yelled the butch guard and pushed the button to release us all from our cells.

"Where did Prune bring them?" I asked the tattooed girl as we crossed paths, but she just sighed and walked away from me? "Forget about her, she's just always in a mood" said a boy wearing glasses, the same boy from the cafeteria the other day.

"Do you know where they brought them?" I asked the boy and hoped for an answer, but I didn't get one.

"I don't know, my brother and I are new to this place" explained the boy and adjusted his glasses. "Oh, ok" I replied and continued to keep up with his speed as he also tried to catch up to the tattooed girl. "What are you going to do?" he asked the tattooed girl and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Get off! I'll find out where they are, just don't do anything stupid" said the tattooed girl right as she slipped away from the guard's sight. "Well then, it's just us" said the boy wearing glasses as we continued our way to the cafeteria, where the guard-tower for the first time in years had spotlights on!

"Wow is there going to be a show?" asked the boy in glasses to crack a joke to enlighten our moods, but it didn't help. We sat throughout the entire breakfast, looking up to the guard tower. We watched as the guards changed positions, taking a break and we watched as they played with their guns like toys.

We kept looking, but then something caught my eye? It was the tattooed girl! She was bent down, probably hiding? with one of her hands behind her back, continuing to look back and forth as she lunged to get inside the top of tower.

She sat by the door and waited for the guards to change their positions. She sat and waited about ten minutes, before the guards opened the door and she smut inside and started slicing around. The sound of the male guards screaming like horrified little girls caught all of the kids in the cafeteria off-guard.

"What's going on?" asked the boy in glasses and finally looked up from his plate, "She's up there" I replied and pointed to the guard tower where the flashing of gunfire started appearing in the glass box.

"Everyone, back to their cells now!" yelled one of the security guards as they started gathering the children.

The gun firing from the tower stopped and the large guard had grabbed the tattooed girl by the throat, holding his arm straight with her barely hanging on. "So, you decided to attack us!" yelled the guard and dangled the girl off the railing of the bridge, "Well then, I hope this is an example for all of you!" he continued, and we all watched as his arm started shaking.

"Robert, let her go!" yelled one of the guards and aimed the gun at him. "You want me to let her go?" asked Robert and craved more attention than he needed, "Fine! I'll drop her" he said as he let go of the tattooed girl, letting her drop down an insanely long drop!

"Nooo!" yelled everyone in the crowd that had formed around the tower, but we all gasped as she had only by luck grabbed onto the railing to the bridge where they stood.

"Hold on!" yelled one of the guards before he started running up the many stairs leading up to the guard tower. I looked around, trying to find the boy in glasses, but he had disappeared?

I continued to look around, ignoring the tattooed girls screams and there he was! The boy had somehow gone up to the end of the bridge where the main office was.

I scuffled around and tried to make my way to the only stairwell where there weren't any guards.

I sighed and made my way through the crowd of people and ran up the stairwell and followed the boy in glasses to outside of Prune's office. "What are you doing?" I whispered and crouched down with him as the tattooed girl started screaming and crying out for help.

"Was this your plan?" I asked but kept quiet as I heard the familiar metallic footsteps of Prune approaching us. "Shh!" said the boy in glasses and covered my mouth as Prune opened his office door only inches away from my face.

"Come on, let's get the remote!" said the boy in glasses and nudged me to move as Prune almost started running towards the other end of the bridge to help out in this situation.

The boy in glasses and I made our way into Prune's office, without any of the guards seeing us. "Look for the remote!" whispered the boy in glasses as he scurried across the office and straight to Prune's desk, where he went through all the drawers of his files.

I checked through all the drawers all the closets Prune had, but there was nothing! All I found was just his collection of jackets and coats.

"Have you found something yet?" asked the boy and completely destroyed whatever system Prune had. "No, where would he keep something like that?" I asked as started to move around all the furniture in the room.

"Oh my god! Maybe he just keeps it on his desk!" said the boy annoyed when he finally realized that Prune's remote was on his desk all this time!

"I'll get this to Sam" said the boy in glasses before he ran out of the office and down the stairs, while I stayed behind and watched as the prepped and fancily dressed Prune helped one of his victims.

"Who's that!" yelled one of the security guards on top of the bridge and pointed in my direction. I in shock slammed shut the office door and started looking around for another way to exit the office, but there weren't any!

I in a hurry grabbed Prune's closet filled with coats and slammed in down on the floor and pushed it up against the door.

I fumbled around and tried to find something to defend myself, but it was too late. Without me even realizing it, I started feeling a tickling sensation. Just before I got shocked and knocked out.

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