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A minor topic in the Occurrences. A big topic at school. One week someone wears a new pair of shoes, the next week something else completely is worn. They're all the popular brands and now there are some fake "gangs". Not the bully type. The squad type. Where everyone wears the same type of shoes. 

Last year people wore different shoes for different uses. Some for basketball, some for soccer, some for the mile. There is no specific problem with shoes but they are interesting. The different colors and varieties. Although, sometimes I do get confused on why people have so many shoes.

Sometimes shoes can get you beat up though. Such as one time in my school, there was this kid who wore pink shoes. Everyone made fun of him. What surprised me was that he seemed perfectly cool. Something I could never do. 

Something happening a lot more in my grade is kids searching up shoes on the internet. They also compare the prices and sometimes kids lie about their shoe prices. Honestly shoes are pretty cool to talk about and there is no real problem with them. 

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